Rapidgator Discussion thread

RapidGator, after working with them for more than 5 years just want to share my thoughts :

1. Work with them if you want bad user experience, lot of crashing unstable site and so on..
2. They will delete all your files if some random copyright troll asks for it like all of them.
3. Will beg you constantly to give them 5 star ratings to trap some other poor soul.
4. Really bad FTP service everything more than 1GB will be constantly uploaded in a loop until canceled by your hand.
5. The only thing good with them is that you will never have to worry about shaving, Oh they will shave you on regular basis and shave you good.
Only thing good I have to say about them is that they are better than FileFactory.

Moving on.
Wow, this is a amazing review and sums up entirety of rapidgator in 5 points.
RapidGator, after working with them for more than 5 years just want to share my thoughts :

1. Work with them if you want bad user experience, lot of crashing unstable site and so on..
2. They will delete all your files if some random copyright troll asks for it like all of them.
3. Will beg you constantly to give them 5 star ratings to trap some other poor soul.
4. Really bad FTP service everything more than 1GB will be constantly uploaded in a loop until canceled by your hand.
5. The only thing good with them is that you will never have to worry about shaving, Oh they will shave you on regular basis and shave you good.
Only thing good I have to say about them is that they are better than FileFactory.

Moving on.

you will never understand how filehosting works
they are so innocent
better shut me up
because you give me a huge laugh hahaha
If you cry every single day here you will never get a sale.
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Nice ...
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