PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Thanks Putlocker

Could you give more advantage of WJ members ?

Let's say if I have 10000 points now and want a payout, is it possible ?

Payout once a month really sucks man.

Nobody would doubt putlocker would grow much faster if payout once a week.

Dear Team,
Please upgrade my PutLocker account to level 2 + Premium
username: zle2
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
Problem - "This folder does not exist"


I have a problem with displaying the uploaded files. When I made ​​the files in order, I have created 21 folders, but two folders showing: The Folders does not exist. What is the problem? Is there a maximum number of folders? Thank you for your reply ;).

My nick on putlocker.com - chaotic
we do 1 month payments based on accounting department needing the time to check everything. In the future we may switch to every 2 weeks.
amoniac- looked at your account and everything seems to be ok. If you more issues PM me.

all users are on level 2 and 1 month PRO accounts
Embed code can not be used in many forums, putlocker can provide flash code or ubb code? This use of embedded video
Hello Putlocker,

I was wondering if it'd be posible to add a Mass "External File Upload" option?

Instead of having to submit 1 link at a time to the "External File Upload" if you had a seperate box or option to allow users to submit multiple links at a time to be added there to the upload que.

hope this makes sense mate.

all the best.

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