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hey nop i aint the owner of this site, i sold it last year in November. I am not affiliated with this site ever since then.

Sorry to hear that you are facing that issue
PhotonServers was sold last November by SpongeBob and he is no longer related to them in any way.

Anyway, sysFlys used to own PhotonServers but he got banned from here, don't know who owns it now.
i am having the same problem. it was down for 2 days for me.. then up for 2 days and now down again. i assume it will be up again soon.. but who knows. i guess its time to move hosts, huh?

odd thing is i have 2 sites with them and one has never gone down.
If you used paypal dispute the payment. Downtime for hosting is a winnable dispute.

Keep proof of downtime and your correspondence to them (even if hey don't reply).
support is really bad right now..photonservers was awesome back on the days when spongebob was still managing uptime and support nosedived
well I took a plan on Nov'10 - exactly when Spongebob sold his hosting :(

I paid an year advanced - still i don't regret for what i have done coz the new owner who is he dunno -but some John is support panel used to help me qith my queries,downtime etc.

But recently the Support is completely DEAD - cPanel license is Failed - and that the reason I cannot take any backup - now what shall i do - i am totally f*cked up - coz my site is huge but with Zero Backup my site is DEAD :(

Can you FTP into your directory? Connect with Filezilla to download your files, as for your database, back it up via the BB admin panel if you can't do it through Cpanel phpmyadmin.
If you used paypal dispute the payment. Downtime for hosting is a winnable dispute.

Keep proof of downtime and your correspondence to them (even if hey don't reply).

Don't dispute it yet :facepalm: He doesn't have a backup... so if you are going to dispute it now.. chances are you'll never see those files back. In this situation I would give it some time first...
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