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:facepalm:Well... We are already bent over.:blink:>_<>_<:S:S
Takes up to 10 business days

its still written there in the withdrawal that's so strange they changed the rules and never ever bothered to informed us... :(...i sense something wrong though
Changes They Made :
1) Remove PPD (Great for Many users)
2) Insert The Brand New PPS Plan That Already Exist Before they Remove PPD
3) Payment delay of 30 days

Netload I can not see any changes in affiliate program it is as it is.
And Since when you changed the affiliate (Inserted the PPS first time) we were getting money in within 10 working days so what exactly changes you made in affiliate program you talking about?

If you really want to make changes then you could insert Fully details of sold premium account like selling price of it , referred web site , file link , country name and 2 hours of statics refresh as was in PPD than once in a day. You could fix the payment option that is not working with like Webmoney and Alertpay. You said that "Our affiliate program was tested and get 5 Stars!" then why didn't you test the all payment option before applied it? May be many user wont get stuck their money in both payment options.
HDD crash problem is still going on like you making the money.

And this thread is for file host official support (if you don't know) so you should support here not just make attendance that prove that you were online once in week or month and also this thread is become spam only because of you. You make this thread from official file host support to netload .in user's discussion.:P

Any way neload is still standing file host and that is not so Easy..!!!!:))
Takes up to 10 business days

its still written there in the withdrawal that's so strange they changed the rules and never ever bothered to informed us... :(...i sense something wrong though

Nothing wrong, to sense, Just FuC#$%&/ing Bad service, Like most of the hosters had. at the end We are going to have the money, But After so many days, They do to save money with the paypal fees.

Added after 10 minutes:

Any way neload is still standing file host and that is not so Easy..!!!!:))

Yes, if they were thinking to do not pay more, they did bother them to re setup the pps program,I think could be more simple, just close the affiliation program like, oron, uploading, filesonic, fileserve, etc. at the end is not their fault, they use to be good.
You know the problem is the American Media Companies are pressing the goverments to aproove ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA. so like I said before, I am not surprised, I was ready for this.;)(y):-? Sadly but true
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I just got a reply from Mike :


it takes 10 working days. And due the easter holidays and weekends this can
be longer than 14 regular days.

Best Regards
Netload Support
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