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possible payment period:

1. THIS Thursday or Friday

2. 30 business day after request (assuming you requested vai paypal on 26th March,2012)

3. 30 business day after the revision of their PPS program (they revised on April 4th,2012)

4. NEVER pay anymore

i hope option number 1 is going to happen.
i don't think my patience can last for option number 2,not to mention option number 3
oh, i hope option number 4 do not happen ,at least for the next 4 month, and i am out of uploading business, too much heart breaking moment and hassle.

Let's just wait 2 more days! and do not post any shit to scare people,and 2 more days later, people might post news about getting payment.

good luck to all of us!
Before that they paid within 10 regular days, so it must be 30 normal days.

Yesterday i send a mail and asked for payout -> No reply

Normally they must pay today
hey guys , do you get any sales? no sale since 2 weeks whats going on?

Everything is ok with sales, just waiting for payouts....

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