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Don't know if someone has mentioned it before.
Shoutbox ban notification.
Newbies don't know that there is a shoutbox ban thread. So, just a general message+ ban lift date instead of a empty space there would suffice + we can send a private message to the user instantly. While banning, staff will be asked the reason+ ban lift date and that reason+date will be automatically PMed to the member.


Move the sign out button in the top right of the picture. You'll have a lot of people click that instead off refresh by accident and not bother signing back in. Think of how many regular members on WJ click an advert when trying to go back to the home page by clicking on the logo. They are both pretty big but now image two small buttons beside each other on a small screen tablet. You'll lose unnecessary activity due to a bad design.

I've sent a PM with about 10 other practical suggestions.
We don't wish to mention a release date, all we can say is 1-2 weeks.

Once the skin has been introduced, the mobile skin will take 2-3 weeks.
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