- 5.00 USD / 1000 views - 10% referrals - Earn $ Sharing Images

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Okay, the upload error "T" thingy are still there. And it's really stranger, here how it's happen.
Upload a file 2.18MB @ res 1489 x 5042 from my HDD just keep on getting "T" error.
So i upload it to other image hoster and use ImgTiger remote upload guess what, it success without any error.
Conclusion, upload from HDD failed but remote upload from other hoster works fine.
Please check, thanks.
No pics show up just the image code showed.
Also 500 Internal Server Error.

Something interesting.
"Waiting for"
Okay, the upload error "T" thingy are still there. And it's really stranger, here how it's happen.
Upload a file 2.18MB @ res 1489 x 5042 from my HDD just keep on getting "T" error.
So i upload it to other image hoster and use ImgTiger remote upload guess what, it success without any error.
Conclusion, upload from HDD failed but remote upload from other hoster works fine.
Please check, thanks.

Yes, getting the same error from the beginning, may be max. filesize is set to 2 mb in normal and flash upload!!! The same thing happens in imgserve also.

We are glad to announce the addition of "Top websites" to user's stats page. You can now see the sites where your images got more views from. Please remember that this feature is still in beta and may be removed or changed in the future.

Kind Regards, Support
why there is no option of selecting adult or family safe in flash upload ?
are my all files uploading as adult or family safe in flash upload ?
why there is no option of selecting adult or family safe in flash upload ?
are my all files uploading as adult or family safe in flash upload ?


All ads are adult, regardless if you select Family-Safe or Adult when uploading. We currently don't serve Family-Safe ads, nevertheless we accept that content.

Kind Regards, Support
Just noticed the Top 40, thanks. Also a little bug that's the settled payment should move to Total Paid field not stay at Pending Payment.
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