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I use Media Player Classic to make thumbail for a movie.
After uploading it on, this is the result on a forum:

It's odd. You log in to the forum, visit your thread, but didn't answer the questions asked in it.
I also would like to know when I get my first payment, since nowhere on the site you can find such information.

The first impression was good, but now...
The best rates... [Stay with these]

The fastest upload no need to wait..

Two Suggestions:
please add payza as payment processor..
2- add a preview of uploaded image.

Hey, payza is on its way.

And about the image preview, we're working on it and will add it soon.
Just FYI for all webmasters who upload JB stuff, this is forbided by our rules and those accounts are deleted and banned on sight.
Just don't come crying here on WJ that you got a ban.
Runs greatly well. Expecting to see image preview feature please.
Thank you.

By JB you reffer to 'Jailbait?'
Also, payment is 15-16 this month, right?
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Can you lower min. payouts, $10 is really high ?

Rates are nice, I got $1 for 420 image views.
Lower your payouts and create previews for images and this site will be great
Right now we will not lower the minimum payout from $10, it was discussed a lot and for now this is the lowest we can go.

But it doesn't mean we won't lower it, maybe it will happen in may.
I have 18.25 in my account and request payout so i will got the payment this week on 16-17 day and i post it here :)
Yesterday i got 5k+ Views, which barely made 5$. I think its easier to make money here because of their hight payout and great advertisement placement, which does not bother viewers. minimum payout is relative to what you can earn in 15 days.
Offering 5$ per 1000 of tier 1 countries and paying twice a month,you could easily reach the 10$ minimun to request by payout day.
If they lower it they would have to deal with multiple payout request from same users of 5$ each.

Im i right?

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