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GO Unlimited

Active Member
Thread has been permanently closed, discussion thread can be found here.
ProStream announcement on hack can be found here.
Management (Bader’s) announcement pending.
GoUnlimited featured on TorrentFreak & tarnkappe, what next? Other articles here.
GoUnlimited case has come to a close, decision can be found here.


The GO Unlimited service, which may be known by the name of many of you, is one of the oldest services specialized in the field of video hosting. The goal of the service has always been to ensure the provision of a secure and stable platform for its long-term partners, in addition to providing features and characteristics commensurate with their aspirations and of course renewed development in order to ensure keeping pace with industry requirements.

GO Unlimited, 2020

In the year 2020, we seek to transfer the service from the field of traditional video hosting to integrated solutions in this field, by providing advanced tools, some of which were not previously proposed or used in this field, in order to keep pace with the development contained in this industry and its requirements.


Our Goal

Our primary goal is to ensure the long-term stability of the platform and the stability of the services the tools it provides to its partners. We work in GO Unlimited on the basis of long-term plans and not short so as to ensure the opportunity to work for many years and successfully meets the aspirations and aspirations of our partners.

Our work since 2016 and our accomplishments are evidence of this goal that we seek. We will always continue to work on this goal.​

Why us + features?
  • We're standing for a very long term. We already achieved 4 years since 2016.
  • 100% Free, no paid accounts.
  • Truly unlimited, bandwidth, storage, and everything.
  • No time, quality, or speed restrictions at all.
  • HD Video Encoding - Very high quality encoding settings.
  • Video Subtitle - Works even with iOS devices.
  • UltraFast Streaming.
  • Only clean ads.
  • 50GB Max file size per upload using FTP. 12 GB Using browser.
  • Trouble free system, no bugs or technical issues are common to face. 100% Stable.
  • We do offer the fastest payment process in this industry, ever.

Upload Modes:
  • Web-Browser
  • FTP
  • URL
  • API
  • ZOOM

Payout methods:
  • PayPal
  • WebMoney
  • Bitcoin
  • Payment requests are processed within 24 to 48 hours only, even on public holidays and weekends. The minimum is only $10.

  • Do you allow porn? Yes, we do allow porn.
  • Do you display adult ads? No we don't.
  • How long do you host my videos? For porn videos, forever, even if they're inactive. For mainstream content, videos that has no views for connected 60 days will be marked as inactive and get deleted whenever there is a lack of storage.

If you have any suggestions, or inquiries, we will always be glad to hear.
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Dear GOU, can I know when will the restoring files plan start processed, so I an keep update to all my lost files. And I can see somebody talk about red dot, what is this? I just see yellow one in my videos.
And btw, very high streaming speed as I tested. Thanks you.
I am not sure myself, but the experts says 25 days. This hit, while it's not bigger than the previous one, lost me more money than the previous one. I really sad that it was from someone we trusted and wanted to be on our side. It's better to re-upload the affected files.

However, yes the streaming is fast, and I am adding more servers to make sure it remain like that even on the weekends. Stable streaming is the least we can offer after all of this.
We will try to add a function to sort them.
Thanks....and remember that some ppls have a uploadtool :D so if the files are getting deleted with the normal message "The file you have requested does not exist or has been removed" (something like that) makes it easier for the tool to upload the files again and for the users to know why they cant watch it right now....
Thanks....and remember that some ppls have a uploadtool :D so if the files are getting deleted with the normal message "The file you have requested does not exist or has been removed" (something like that) makes it easier for the tool to upload the files again and for the users to know why they cant watch it right now....
Thank you. I will take this into consideration again.
Thank you for your trust again. I promise you that I will never let you down again.
After checking all my files; I've found out that 81% of my files are dead (red dot) which amounts for tens of thousands of videos. I'm not gonna allocate dedicated resources to reupload the lost files like I did when this happened the 1st time and end up with no compensation at the end of the process and double the loss (from files/time lost and the dedicated resources allocated for the process). I'm gonna use the resources I already have at hand, it'll take me a long time to accomplish this task but at least I won't lose more money than I'm already with the big traffic loss that wont be compensated with double rates for a week.
After checking all my files; I've found out that 81% of my files are dead (red dot) which amounts for tens of thousands of videos. I'm not gonna allocate dedicated resources to reupload the lost files like I did when this happened the 1st time and end up with no compensation at the end of the process and double the loss (from files/time lost and the dedicated resources allocated for the process). I'm gonna use the resources I already have at hand, it'll take me a long time to accomplish this task but at least I won't lose more money than I'm already with the big traffic loss that wont be compensated with double rates for a week.
If you have another player for your older videos on your website, DO NOT re-upload your files as it doesn't make any sense. Old files have no data anyway specially for Movies/TV niche.

I have enabled double rates so new uploads from our partners can gain the same income they used to gain with the new files. In worst case, within 14 days, users stats will be totally fine as in video hosting industry videos gets views for 14 days maximum and the older ones left abandoned.

Our resources reached 70% of the usual load which means more than half of the load is on the recently published videos. Sick with new videos only and avoid wasting your efforts if you have another player on your older posts. I promise you that I will never put you in the same situation again.
I am not sure myself, but the experts says 25 days. This hit, while it's not bigger than the previous one, lost me more money than the previous one. I really sad that it was from someone we trusted and wanted to be on our side. It's better to re-upload the affected files.

However, yes the streaming is fast, and I am adding more servers to make sure it remain like that even on the weekends. Stable streaming is the least we can offer after all of this.
I just need all files could be restored. I'm sorry for keep repeating that issue again and again but like previous down in Feb, the admin said files would be recovered but they still all gone forever. Thanks you.
I just need all files could be restored. I'm sorry for keep repeating that issue again and again but like previous down in Feb, the admin said files would be recovered but they still all gone forever. Thanks you.
I am the admin, Bader. All comments that have no signature are mine.
Please accept my apology for any troubles.

I see that all partners are re-uploading, while I didn't expect that much of cooperation. I would like to thank you all for the constant trust. I promise that we will never go through this again.

Even the ones who are not satisfied, please accept my apology and be assured that I will never put you in such situation. I have no other chance to do this again.
@GO Unlimited Hi, honestly, I'm really sad. In the beginning of the year I have uplaoded almosot 4k videos and I was continuously uploading. Unfortunately, shit happens and all the videos have been gone after big breakdown. So, I started to upload them again, also in trust of some compensation, as you promise. Finally I have uploaded all of 4k videos again. I asked for the compensation, but you said I have no views for January. Ofc I have no views for January, when I started to upload all the videos in the beginning of the year and start to post them on the web on 25th January and your breakdown was after few days after my upload. So, your result was "no compensation" due to no views in January (but as soon as I started to re-upload all the videos, and post them directly on the web, views were raising continuously...but it was February, right...and you didn't count it into compensation). I have re-uplaoded almsot 4k videos and I have no compensation at all. I said, OK, shit happens again. But I trusted you and I liked you hosting, so I was continuously uploading new and new videos. Now I have uploaded maybe 2k more videos. But...shit happens...yes, again...and I have 3/4 videos with red dot, now. So, I have more then 4k videos broken and not-working. I'm loosing my users and their loayalty every second due to these "fuckups". I'm really sad, guys. No compensation, no videos from your side. Trust, continuously uplaoding, views from my side. Do you think I have "apetit" to uplaod all of the broken videos again after all those "fuckups"? What is your opinon? Could you at least proceed my compensation as some motivation? Becase now I don't have any, sorry.
@GO Unlimited Hi, honestly, I'm really sad. In the beginning of the year I have uplaoded almosot 4k videos and I was continuously uploading. Unfortunately, shit happens and all the videos have been gone after big breakdown. So, I started to upload them again, also in trust of some compensation, as you promise. Finally I have uploaded all of 4k videos again. I asked for the compensation, but you said I have no views for January. Ofc I have no views for January, when I started to upload all the videos in the beginning of the year and start to post them on the web on 25th January and your breakdown was after few days after my upload. So, your result was "no compensation" due to no views in January (but as soon as I started to re-upload all the videos, and post them directly on the web, views were raising continuously...but it was February, right...and you didn't count it into compensation). I have re-uplaoded almsot 4k videos and I have no compensation at all. I said, OK, shit happens again. But I trusted you and I liked you hosting, so I was continuously uploading new and new videos. Now I have uploaded maybe 2k more videos. But...shit happens...yes, again...and I have 3/4 videos with red dot, now. So, I have more then 4k videos broken and not-working. I'm loosing my users and their loayalty every second due to these "fuckups". I'm really sad, guys. No compensation, no videos from your side. Trust, continuously uplaoding, views from my side. Do you think I have "apetit" to uplaod all of the broken videos again after all those "fuckups"? What is your opinon? Could you at least proceed my compensation as some motivation? Becase now I don't have any, sorry.
There is no need to re-upload if you don't want to. I have enabled double rates so new videos can gain the same income of the both old and new ones so users stats remains the same. I will keep the double rates until all users are completely recovered. We're offering more than we can afford to get things right again. Please accept my apology and be assured such thing won't happen again.
We didn't face such situation since 5 years, but we faced two this year, and I know I have no third chance.
I'm getting a lot of "encoding error" messages on my videos. I'm deleting and re-uploading but I want to make sure there isn't something wrong on that end. If I find another one I'll PM you a link.

Also, the queues are REALLY long (like in the 500+) on some of my videos.
@GO Unlimited Yes, but you said there is no guarantee, that all the files will get recovered successfully. And if yes, it can take 25 days. So what about our users and their loaylty? We are loosing users every second. Can you imagine to have broken videos for 25 days? We can lose them forever. And what if we will be waiting for 25 days till you recover all the videos and after 25th day you will say, you could only manage to fix 1/2 of them and second 1/2 of videos is gone forever.
I'm getting a lot of "encoding error" messages on my videos. I'm deleting and re-uploading but I want to make sure there isn't something wrong on that end. If I find another one I'll PM you a link.

Also, the queues are REALLY long (like in the 500+) on some of my videos.
I will balance the encoding encoding today.

@GO Unlimited Yes, but you said there is no guarantee, that all the files will get recovered successfully. And if yes, it can take 25 days. So what about our users and their loaylty? We are loosing users every second. Can you imagine to have broken videos for 25 days? We can lose them forever. And what if we will be waiting for 25 days till you recover all the videos and after 25th day you will say, you could only manage to fix 1/2 of them and second 1/2 of videos is gone forever.
I will keep double rates until you recover all of your videos. Your income won't be affected but will increase with the double rates and you can use the extra money to promote your website. I will never let anyone lose any cent.
dont worry what happened happened, now we just need a way to quickly filter all affected links to try and remove them from our sites and replace it. :)
Will add a function within today mostly. I am glad the the website stats is normal and all partners are cooperating. Their constant trust worth the huge efforts I am putting and I will never put them in the same situation again. I didn’t even expected this kind of cooperation for the second time. <3
Will add a function within today mostly. I am glad the the website stats is normal and all partners are cooperating. Their constant trust worth the huge efforts I am putting and I will never put them in the same situation again. I didn’t even expected this kind of cooperation for the second time. <3
Things like that happen, no point in crying now. We will be stronger after this!
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