Other [Get PAID $1.10 for Referring][1GBit OffShore] RapidLeech by SimpleLeech [25GB @10$]

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HotFile is working perfectly in the server. Please do not spam here.
I have used your RL to show you proof that HF is working when you complained about it for more than 7 times, although it worked perfectly every time. I checked the average speeds, which were well over 5.8MB/s (which is pretty good).

Please do not spam here.


HF is working fine now mate. Sorry for the trouble.

HF is working now, sorry for the trouble.
About that "unsatisfied" client, please read what I have to say and then comment. If you want, I can give you a test account of the new 1GBit server, and let you decide about the speed.
And for the record, that "unsatisfied" client knows nothing whatsoever about uploading. Hard, inconvenient truth.

About the demo of the new server, IM me and I'll send it to you.

I will be asking rohanviolin to post a screenshot of the speeds.

Kind regards,
Thank you.

Why in this pic I read "hosted on dedi, no lame vps" but who search in this forum can find that you buy a "lame" vps?

Just for notice, your server are good, good speed and you solve every problems..
can i have a test account to check speed and then buy..........
Hi, I sent you the test account. Do have a look.

Can i get FTP because i'll be using my own HF premium acct :)
Mate, I really cannot allow anyone to use his/her HF premium in my server because of the simple reason:
HF will permanently ban me!! :(

If you need some accounts added, please let me know, I will give you temporary FTP access so that you can fill in your account details! :D
You can really trust me, as I won't steal you file-host details.

If however, you do not need HF premium, then I can give you instant FTP access.

Regards to all,
do you have FS plugin too ?

Added after 8 Hours 38 minutes:

you blocked all the access to my hosted files, i cant even auto rename prefix or suffix, thats really sux.
This seller have VERY GOOD server
good upload/download speed
Support files bigger that 4 GB size to rar =)
one of a few good servers that I am dealing with since long time <3

I need HF & FS.Do u have it?If yes then I am interested for ur 25GB plan.PLz send me demo first!My gtalk id is arif.cste.nstu.
Added you!
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