Shared - cPanel ,10GB Storage, 1TB Bandwidth, $2/month (USA)

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LiveChat , few days offline , but i didn't watch for 24hrs , speedbus last active 27th septembar . i don't like this ! :)
I realllllllyyy don't like this ! Still no reply anywhere ! I will do the backup ! I am right it will be a big SH*T !!!! I hate this !!! I hope i am wrong !!!
yes, the reply is coming very late, i might opt out of the hosting, can't afford to get support reply after 12-13 hours.
Hello Everyone,
I was travelling the last 10 days because of which I appeared to have "gone away", but NO ! I am here to stay. Just a few updates from GearServe :

1. New Server In Arizona Purchased !! I just need to go through the AUP of the Datacenter on whether they allow warez linking or no and we will start to offer hosting on that server soon.

2. Hiring of new staff, Yes, To take care of our clients better, I will be hiring 3 new staff members this week.

yes, the reply is coming very late, i might opt out of the hosting, can't afford to get support reply after 12-13 hours.

Well, You had PM'd me and I was travelling, I didn't share my wJunction username / password with my staff, so well, I could not reply earlier, I have replied now.

Where are you gone SpeedBus? You Still Alive in World?

I'm back, I was travelling.

I realllllllyyy don't like this ! Still no reply anywhere ! I will do the backup ! I am right it will be a big SH*T !!!! I hate this !!! I hope i am wrong !!!

Hey hey !!! Don't worry ! I'm Back, I was travelling !!!

sent you a PM, awaiting your reply.

Replied :) Sorry for the delay !

LiveChat , few days offline , but i didn't watch for 24hrs , speedbus last active 27th septembar . i don't like this ! :)

Hey, I'm Back now ! I was travelling !!!! Live Chat was messed up as our LiveZilla config was changed a bit to make it faster but it did not work well... It's fixed now.
Great news ! And don't scare me again like that !!! :facepalm:

Added after 24 minutes:

please answer #582009
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i want to order i register in client are but prob is:(
i cant pay you bcoz both paypal a/c indian u also know paypal shit policy
We also accept alertpay and libertyreserve.

You can directly pay using alertpay, if you wish to pay with libertyreserve - open in a sales ticket.

or open in a sales ticket listing the payment method you can pay us with and we will try to accept it.
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