Shared - cPanel ,10GB Storage, 1TB Bandwidth, $2/month (USA)

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Active Member

GearServe Closure Announcement

It is sad to announce that we, GearServe have to close down, nearly 4 months after we started provding hosting services, due to problems within our management.
Due to rise in problems within our management, we decided that it would be better for our clients, that we shut down, as we, the management were not able to run the service as we liked.

The Server bills have been paid until,
Atlanta Server : 16/01/2012
Orlando Server : 16/01/2012

We will be not taking any new orders or accepting renewing of services provided.

All your accounts will be on our server and nothing will be deleted, until the servers have been paid for.
Accounts will be on our server only until the bills server have been paid for (date's for both servers are listed above).
Please backup your data, as we will not be storing any backups any more, we are not responsible if you have not backed-up your data.
We would like to thank all our clients, for chosing us.

For more info, Please email us at : gearserve[at]

GearServe Management
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Yes, We Allow Warez Linking only on our Atlanta server, PM me or open a support ticket if you want to be on the Atlanta server, But if a DMCA complaint comes in you must remove that link off your site,

It's the standard as anyother webhost.
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100% up time is for your website, what about the server where you host clients' websites ? Mostly hosts keep their own site to some US server with a good host so they are always up but clients always cry.
Unfortunately there is no check on hosting offers on WJ. Mostly clients cry after hosting.
Btw do you provide private nameservers with basic reseller ? On US server don't you think there will be frequent DMCA notices? ;)
100% up time is for your website, what about the server where you host clients' websites ? Mostly hosts keep their own site to some US server with a good host so they are always up but clients always cry.
Unfortunately there is no check on hosting offers on WJ. Mostly clients cry after hosting.

Our Site and our clients are on the same server, You can check if you want.

We have 100% uptime = our clients have 100% uptime, as its all on the same server.
There is no reason for me to make my clients suffer.

Yes, We provide private nameservers on basic reseller, we also provide white label nameservers, so that no one gets to know that you are using a reseller account.

We do get a few DMCA's but we resolve them in like 24 hours time, so we dont get into big trouble.

Uptime Update : 100% Uptime Again !
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Got a Reseller plan, so far it is going well. He is quite cooperative guy and concerned for any help his client wants. :)
Got a Reseller plan, so far it is going well. He is quite cooperative guy and concerned for any help his client wants. :)

Thanks for the review :) Thanks for choosing us :D I hope that you are always happy with our hosting.

Hosting one site on GearServe, and i'm a very happy client! Support is amazing and help you with anything you need. A+ :)

Thanks for the review !! Thanks for choosing us :D I hope that you are always happy with our hosting.

ordered new big plan...

really nice hosting and good support... i will rate them 10/10. :)

good work

Thanks for the review :) I hope that you are always happy with our hosting. ! And thanks for choosing us !

In your title it's but your site is Change the title :|

Oh, Sorry for that :O I have changed it now :)
How long you been in business

In business from a long time doesn't mean customer won't have any trouble in future, this depends only on what the guy running the business has in mind. I know some hosts here who were in business from quite some time but they either were scammers or they ran leaving customers in trouble. I wish this guy will not, plus his service provider has very good review on webhostingtalk.
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