- Up to $40 per 1000 downloads or 65% PPS (All countries paid!)

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my earnings:

referrals earnings:


0 earnings of referrals

sorry for my english xD
U don't earn from referrals
U don't earn from referrals


y was account banned !!!!

Unsure of your username but we detected a user about 3 hours ago who was uploading many files and also downloading his/her own files, 100's of times every day. This user was banned. We have very strict rules, it is very clear when someone is hacking the system.

Another reason could be a multiple offending account for DMCA. I assume the previous by the time you commented here on the thread.

Added after 6 minutes:

what is the payout date and how many users got paid and please post some earning screenshot

There was a screenshot a few pages back, more screenshots will appear on Tuesday when we next out the next round of payments.

any proof of payment? are not the same rat fileserve not?

There was a screenshot a few pages back, more screenshots will appear on Tuesday when we next out the next round of payments.

Next payday is Tuesday, so not far away, we have 8 pending payments right now, some as high at 110 dollars. We have pre-approved these already and will send out the payments on Tuesday.

when i request my payment ~ >>>>>> Your account was banned by administrator.SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Provide your user name, and I will provide proof here of you rigging the system, we have dozens of legitimate file uploaders who are attempting to break the system as you were.

If a user requests a payment we review your account, if you were bs'ing the system we will find out.


Cheer up, we are here and are running as usual.

this is scam host !!!!!!!!!!1 beware

Scam host? You are likely a scam user, feel free to post your username here for all to see, we will post your account details for all to see. We have spotted two users completely abusing the system. One had 30000 downloads of 5000 images six times from only a handful IP's, if this was you, I hope you do post your username, we have screenshots :)

Added after 4 minutes:

Thats true or mostly File don't start downloading.

But it seems

a) Filevelo don't want solve this issue (i mean this is now since days)


b) they are not able to solve this.

BTW. if they don't fix until saturday i delete all files.

We do want to resolve this, if you would like to help us out by providing your browser or download manager, to

We have 100K+ downloads starting and completing every day, this is likely the minority of users suffering these issues, we have multiple new servers to cope with the rapid growth of the site. From the backend, it's the fastest growing site, we are coping the best we can, and support is here and we are not going anywhere.

Keep in mind we are only a few weeks old, and are getting into the rhythm right now, every issue is on our radar and we are working hard to resolve them.
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venomkit1992 is my id !!!!!! why i was banned ? i din download my file myself == scam host

Let me look into this for you, we are not a scam host, and I would appreciate if you refrained from saying that, it is not helping your case.

If we have wrongfully deleted you, we will reimburse your money. No problem at all :)
12+ DMCA's... time to go else where when we see this. We cannot condone this type of uploading. Therefore we banned you instead of letting you waste your time with us.

If the DMCA guys read this, they know what to do to let you go bankrupt in no time :facepalm:
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