– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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imho, remote upload problem from another filehosting is not really a big issue :)

every filehostings have their own tricks/ways to prevent their files to be leeched to another filehosting.

it will be "never ending story" about rs,fs,mu,df,upl, etc... remoted to fsc.

i sale 1 premium a/c buddy last time i sell premium a/c i got 5$ that time u make new drama^o)

you're on Pay Per Download affiliate system, that's mean you will get no money from any sales you made.

btw i just got a private message from our beloved whiner friend here :


I just want to say that @reverse dude even inspired by me :)
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I m uploader Not lier:-?
Here you Go>


I never said you are a liar, but after all I was right and you were wrong! The sale is not $5 !

As Virtual told you, you were on PPS & you changed to PPD


You guys are not responding to my ticket :( Because of that i lost 1 year sale and 1x 6 month sale :((

Please fix it at least now !

Hi Alex17!

What ticket #? I'll take a look at it personally.


Hi Hish,

I had seen that Filesonic added human image verification on setting page. That's good thing. I have some suggestions for user's setting page

I think email address and payment id should be leave blank, once user fill the details. Filesonic already kept the data on database. It will be more secure. When users need to change it, make it like change password method,notification email sent to activate the change user made.

The key is email address, supposed somebody hacked the account,advance hackers can find the way to find the password after they know what your email ID. But with leave all the fill blank, will be minimize their chance ( they need to know what's your email ID first )

Thanks for the improvement for secure our account.

Hi Hish,

I had seen that Filesonic added human image verification on setting page. That's good thing. I have some suggestions for user's setting page

I think email address and payment id should be leave blank, once user fill the details. Filesonic already kept the data on database. It will be more secure. When users need to change it, make it like change password method,notification email sent to activate the change user made.

The key is email address, supposed somebody hacked the account,advance hackers can find the way to find the password after they know what your email ID. But with leave all the fill blank, will be minimize their chance ( they need to know what's your email ID first )

Thanks for the improvement for secure our account.


Hi happyface4ever :)

Idea noted and will talk to the IT guys about it ASAP :)

Btw, everyone has to setup a security question (for your own good:))
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