FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Ricky, I just renewed my subscribtion for 75 days and I have 2 problems.

Problem 1 : The copy function doesn't work. I keep getting this error message:


Problem 2 : I also keep getting this pop-up ad to renew for 45 days!


Can u please help?

Thank you.

Why I encounter more and more Landing 404 page. I encounter it everyday with many links for eg. this link I don't know when Fileserve can PREVENT this Landing 404 page to happen ANYMORE. I think this make fileserve not as good as it should. I got plenty of 404 page Links, I can send you if you want.

And I have to find new source for the same files for downloading, this is so frustruating, as I have downloaded some part but some part 404 error, so I have to delete all of my download parted, and find new source to download with. OH MY GOD

Hope you can stop that error for me and for everyone else in the future soon.

Thank you so much Ricky.

Edit: I've tried many time, some of them are still 404, but some works in sometime. eg. the above links didn't work when I try like 15 times, but 16th try is work, hehe. Hope no more 404 Erorr anymore please.
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Question people:

Why am I doing 'double' of my workload. You PM me and you post in here. I check both inbox and topic, so why am I re-reading repeats?

If you want an answer, ask once, please.
Ricky, I just renewed my subscribtion for 75 days and I have 2 problems.

Problem 1 : The copy function doesn't work. I keep getting this error message:


Problem 2 : I also keep getting this pop-up ad to renew for 45 days!


Can u please help?

Thank you.

clear cookies,history and logout

should be fixed when you logout and re-login again
I don't know how many thousands of dollars we've saved in going into the wrong hands. Do think those users have been grateful to our service and quick responds :)
Dear sir
My account can't store any files more and when i'm using function "Copy" in File Manager, i got this error "The size of the file ******.part3.rar exceeds your storage limit"
My account is premium, it should be unlimited space. Please increase limit space in your system
Best Regards

please, till when can i hit the payout button so i could get paid on wednesday, when my money finally transfers to payout acc? (been waiting since weekend)
@ skydragon: Should have been done hours ago :)

Added after 1 48 minutes:

Still some time left for pushing the Payout button if you haven't already. We will pay out in approximately 2.5 hours.
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@skydragon.. You should never request on Monday - Saturday. Always request on Sunday and you will be paid on Wednesday. Click Rick's sig where it says Payment Instruction.

People just cry cry lol ufff.... When will they learn :P
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