FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hi, this is my problem....(sorry for my english)
I have an fileserve 18/05/2011 i click to "In order to get paid, you must first transfer money from your earning account" and then the system waitin my earning in pendig...
Today 23/05/2011 my earning 22.53$ is always in pending...
The other new earning is moved in account balance.
I send an email.....but the response is....wait...for approved...
5 days for the approved???
Can u help me?
This is a print screen...
Hello Ricky,
well i bought a FS account for 6 months.... used it for a week and now it has been disabled for some reason...
Can you plz tell me the reason for this?
username : sirswings
DOes account sharing include remote uploading files from FileServe to other hosts using your own account? Like entering your user:pass on the settings there?
@ Don_Dany_21: When we add more FTP the speed will increase, right now we're adding other servers, i.e. storage :)

@ getheroll: You shouldn't have gotten the 20.00. The system rounds it up in the transfer and when you get the transfer the system reads the actual number for Payout. 19.999X which means it will be displayed as 20.00 while in actual you are 1 cent short.

@ algon: No. We got most of those servers whitelisted already.

Hi, Ricky, I have problem that I have never shared the links but there is 1 download count, and that files appears in "DMCA removed files". How come there is 1 download count (never shared links). And How come DMCA knows that files so they reported it, and it went to DMCA removed files.

I PMed you the name of that files, and my username, please I would like to know those 2 reasons (1 download, and DMCA complaints) which that links NEVER shared.

Thank you so much Ricky
@hedwig i got the same problem but hopefully in a couple hours it will get transfered...according to the payment instructions in rickyfs sig it says that it could be transfered on monday or tuesday....
@ karsh: Yes, when they stop blacklisting our remote upload IP servers.

@ xee: Sure, but same thing would happen if you are not careful with your details.

@ kizmark: I would assume we overpaid you by 0.009 last time.

@ all: Transfers coming in the next few hours. Then you got probably about 20 hours to press Payout button
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