FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ Cloud: I don't know actually. I thought they did.

@ trungnhut: Already forwarded.

@ ultrablanco85: The transfer button goes away when we're updating stats.

@ demigod1512: Not longer than usual :) Didnt you see the page of 'thank you' on Wednesday?
@ hyp: Don't thank me. It took the time it took to catch up.

@ mike_000: No, but you can PM me your username and I can see if there are problems with the ftp on your account.
1 question

when file is removed for dmca...the download are counted or the stats will decrease (of this removed file count) ?


a file taht have 100 download are removed...

this 100 downloads it's good or it will delete from the general stats?
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