FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ consumers: Inside FTPRush go to F3 => Double click your details => Make sure your login and password is OK (click the ... if you want to see your password) ...What error does it give you btw?

@ Mr.Bean: Will inquire.

@ play_avi: See news

@ shufol: News

@ namdatviet: How is it not working?
I just moved a 12MB file...Was moved in 2 sec. and appeared in file manager in 30 seconds after
@ pitsuck: Got IP so I can follow up on that for you? Shouldn't be any of such error since files are cleared after a few hours

@ NightMare: The FTP works, though. How does it not work? I'm baffled.

@ noumanta: Yes, MU is undergoing some changes. I've told techs to look into why there's so many errors. Keep in mind that the files are still getting moved, but quite a few of you will experience issues. I really can't pinpoint the problem with MU - Maybe our techs can.
one of my folders disapeared, but inside file links are still wroking.
How can i recover my folder? Are file downloads counting?
I know this is probably the case with every file host, but FS have some pretty dodgy counting stats.

I try to protect my links with .dlc's, so when the .dlc's get downloaded I know pretty much how many people intend to download my files. Even if I be overly pessimistic and say that only 50% of the people who get my dlc's actually download the files, there is still a serious disparity between how many dlc's are downloaded and how many downloads are counted of the actual files.

As an example, I have a dlc that has been download 62 times but the download stats of the files shows between only 3-5~ downloads of each file. This hasn't budged for weeks. Given most of my dlc's have between 50 and 95 links, that is a huge amount of missing downloads.

Some others have many downloads of the dlc's but absolutely zero downloads of the files - and I know for a fact that these files were download by several users as I received confirmation from them.

Other examples of my dlc's abound, but for the sake of brevity I'll move on.

Some might ask why do I think the stats are accurate for the dlc files - well, my answer would be because I don't earn a penny if it is downloaded even a thousand times. They are all smaller than 100KB thus no earnings from them.

On the other hand, I do like FS and it's ability to remote upload from other hosts - namely NL & FSonic. Also, 500GB free storage ain't bad either ;p

Anyway, just my 2c
@ almet: Could be outsync.

@ follz20: dlc = ? Those pages that sends users through before they can download? Like "safelinking" type of things?

We never count until an user has completed the download. Even then, I wouldn't be the first to admit that sometimes it isn't counted (as can be seen on a screenshot by Gerner -- Which I have submitted to see how things can be rectified) as that is a bug we will put much effort into fixing. We've never cheated, nor will want to cheat our users. This is also a given reason why we've seen such rise in popularity. We're transparent to the bone and we tell you how it is. We don't sugarcoat a turd into vanilla icecream like others tend to do to downplay situations and reality.

@ noumanta: I wish we could get it sorted too asap ;)

@ NightMare: I'll ask an admin to look into FTPs and clear space for them if that's the case.
(as can be seen on a screenshot by Gerner -- Which I have submitted to see how things can be rectified)

Hey! :)

I might have posted a lot in this thread but I did not post the screenshot in this thread.
I only commented on one. :)

No, a dlc is basically a container that contains the information of a group of links for JDownloader.

All someone has to do is download the dlc, load into JDownloader and all the files will show up in a list (although not the direct links - hence 'protection').
I see..could it be lately when people tried to use anti-recaptcha? fyi, they may have tried one too many times and met our anti-anti-recaptcha module? :)

No, a dlc is basically a container that contains the information of a group of links for JDownloader.

All someone has to do is download the dlc, load into JDownloader and all the files will show up in a list (although not the direct links - hence 'protection').
maybe people downloaded your container file but have no idea on how to load it into jD. that could be the reason.

I used this kind of link protection as well before but I think it is not really useful as many downloaders are noob enough to know on how to load it into jD.
@ ppmaniac, montygoldy

"Dear Fileserve Users,

We are currently performing maintenance on the servers. Your "Transfer to Payout" button will not be available during this period. Stats are also affected. All data is tracked and recorded.

Everything will be back to normal shortly.


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