FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Yes, definetly fileserve steals and not counts downloads as promised.
I run some tests and they cheat:

Test 1) Download 1Gb file from a fresh IP on country A (USA) --> result --> they counted download as country group B.

Test 2) Download 1Gb file from a fresh IP on country B (Germany) --> result --> they NOT counted download.

In both tests i wait 48 hours before check if the download was counted into the stats, other files was updated but the one downloaded from germany with fresh ip not was counted.

I not want to atack anyone neither promote, simply showing the true about how fileserve count downloads in a dirty way.

Definetly best results of my tests at the moment comes from filesonic and wupload, they counted both downloads on correct groups.

I did a similar test. Made a new fresh account and I got my friends as well as myself to download at different locations with different ips and they do not count properly. From my tests its about 20-30% of the real download count.
drop drop drop for 80% of users..............


some things need to be re-evaluated by FS staff.......this applies not necessarily to ricky since his support is TOTALLY professional as we said yesterday :)

but any business can NOT continue this way and needs to re-motivate people rather than dropping dl's.

Even from the comments the last 48hrs (2days) 80% reported same situation. This situation is more than 2 days but nevermind.
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maybe the reason is that few
hosters are having summer bonuses in june and jully
wupload uploadstation ...etc
so they are getting more traffic in this period

just a guess maybe
FileServe support

Hey Ricky ! My user name is djbans my lifetime account was disabled. I am not asking you to re-enable my account, I just want to know why it was disabled so that I can be more careful the next time :)
I agree with broadcast this matter should be high priority...
I am still getting steady earnings but not increasing even though I am sharing more but I can live with it ^^..
Let's just wait for Ricky to sort this for us I know it will be fix... because it is weekend that is why he didn't reply regarding this matter...
Their download speed are slower compare to Fileserve so downloader will still surely pick fileserve links to download rather than wupload etc..
i see people are complaining about the remote upload speed. but how do you RU something anyway? filesonic doesnt work (blocked), wupload doesn't work either (nothing happens after i click on submit) and i haven't really tested oron yet because i dont want to waste my traffic limit there on RUs. those are pretty much all the premium accounts i have.
Hi Ricky!

Today my premium account expired, but now i don't have Paypal, and i don't make transfer too. Is my data loss? . Can you extend my premium 2 more days? Because at that time i have money for upgrade. Thanks

Ricky ?
hmm , i really trust the stats (even when its low) but when so many report it
i guess you have to check it ?
i don't think its coz of summer , coz i'm getting the replies in my topics so why not same downloads ?
I love FS,it's being my main file-host for a very long time until now and I will continue.
The problem I'm facing is with stats from couple of days,Even I upload some files only on FS still my other filehosts which I use scores more.When FSO and WU hits FSO/WU$$ a day my fs stats remains[FSO/WU$$>FS$] at the same level.That's bit confusing.
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Can somebody help me with ftp upload i write my username,pass,host,port and when i connect is says in the end
not able to connect
critical error
I am using filezilla and i am not premium someone help ;(
ricky... what's going on?? I have 0 files 315 that had ....¿

and see...
today... 10/07/2011
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hi guys! i have a 1-yr premium but when i logged in this morning it's saying i'm a free user. i just bought it 2 months ago. anybody experience this?

My premium account of 1 yr bought 2 months ago was reverted back to free account. no reply yet from Ricky or the CS.

You broke their rules and they reverted your account. Simple

Is anyone else having problems uploading? Over the last couple weeks this has gotten horrible. Remote upload just 5 files and without fail one of them always hangs in a pending state indefinitely. FTP upload 2 files just tonight and same thing happens with 1 of them hanging in a pending state.

This is getting tiresome. Between the stuck uploads and the landing-404 crap Fileserve is becoming a less appealing host to upload to.

Everything is working fine now, just transfered 43GB of data to Fileserve servers.

This file does not download:
Can you check it?

This file has ended up on a dead server, reupload it. There is no other way to recover it.

Remote upload is also very slow for me :(

Remote was working fine a couple of hours ago, 7.3GB went over in 15-20 minutes.

lately and I do not win anything,,, $ 50/40 day to win 10 to win penalties now, what happens? can check my account?

I have no idea what you just said, please re phrase


Were both of them premium or free downloads?


You also broke their rules, so account converted to free


Remote upload from megashares,megaupload and rapidshare work perfectly fine.

Hi Ricky!

Today my premium account expired, but now i don't have Paypal, and i don't make transfer too. Is my data loss? . Can you extend my premium 2 more days? Because at that time i have money for upgrade. Thanks


You are given 5-6 days to buy another account, until then your files are safe.

Can somebody help me with ftp upload i write my username,pass,host,port and when i connect is says in the end
not able to connect
critical error
I am using filezilla and i am not premium someone help ;(

The FTP username and password are different than your normal login username and password, get your ftp password from here

ricky... what's going on?? I have 0 files 315 that had ....¿

and see...
today... 10/07/2011

Those pictures are extremely small, try to post bigger ones

RU from WUpload not moving
this problem happen for more than a 1week now, is it going to be fix?

FileSonic and Wupload are sister sites, if FSC blocks fileserve wupload will also block them. So the answer is, no, there is very little chance that remote upload from Wupload will be fixed. You should contact wupload regarding this as the files will be leeched from their servers, not fileserve's

have to login time to time!

This was done to stop cookie stuffing and misuse of premium cookies. You have to bear this small annoyance, sorry.


Why was your ip banned in the first place?

@everyone complaining about stats

Let me give you some logical reasons as to why your stats might be falling.

1. The first and most common reason. The number of people who are providing the links are rising a lot and the number of premium account holders are rising as well. Also, more people are going towards other hosts like wupload and uploadstation.

2. You will earn more on other hosts because those hosts have a higher rate than fileserve, simple. Wupload and FSC pay you more for 1000 unique downloads, the same number of downloads on these 3 hosts would naturally mean that you will earn less on fileserve and more on the other two.

3. FileServe DOES NOT shave downloads, dont ask me how i know, i just do.

Contrary to what everyone else is saying, i have seen a 10-20% rise in my earnings during the last week. There is still a possibility that a problem in earnings is present, if something is wrong i know ricky will let us know tomorrow.

Now please, PLEASE, wait till tomorrow and let ricky sort out the problems.
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