FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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And do not recover lost ... not
is this 15 days ago
And Ricky says nothing?
A truth that I said that is not 24 / 7 on the pc
Well wait it says ... greetings
Because filesonic blocked.
As for the stats ..i don't say anything, then will come again some "filesharing" lovers to call us money hungry uploaders.
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Yes, definetly fileserve steals and not counts downloads as promised.
I run some tests and they cheat:

Test 1) Download 1Gb file from a fresh IP on country A (USA) --> result --> they counted download as country group B.

Test 2) Download 1Gb file from a fresh IP on country B (Germany) --> result --> they NOT counted download.

In both tests i wait 48 hours before check if the download was counted into the stats, other files was updated but the one downloaded from germany with fresh ip not was counted.

I not want to atack anyone neither promote, simply showing the true about how fileserve count downloads in a dirty way.

Definetly best results of my tests at the moment comes from filesonic and wupload, they counted both downloads on correct groups.
Same happens to me
Files uploaded to Fileserve 1,, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Files uploaded to Wupload 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
The file was downloaded 2 of wupload 10 times
Fileserve conto no discharge to master in a few days now so
Weight of 1 GB file, Zone B
That's why profits fell 50%
It is only to take it into account or verify it yourself
I don't know about you guys but for me I had an increase in the past month about 30-50% increase but this past 4-8 days decrease about 10-30% but my site is having more traffic and I am sharing more this past 4-8 days... I think that there is definitely something wrong this past 4-8 days but before that I guess it is just fine..
hi guys! i have a 1-yr premium but when i logged in this morning it's saying i'm a free user. i just bought it 2 months ago. anybody experience this?
Is anyone else having problems uploading? Over the last couple weeks this has gotten horrible. Remote upload just 5 files and without fail one of them always hangs in a pending state indefinitely. FTP upload 2 files just tonight and same thing happens with 1 of them hanging in a pending state.

This is getting tiresome. Between the stuck uploads and the landing-404 crap Fileserve is becoming a less appealing host to upload to.
Please check this file!!!

This file does not download:
Can you check it?
There is something wrong in uploading at many filehosting sites not only this But HF is Great for me to upload by FTP ( even i have very slow intenet connection here 512kb/s up speed 25kb/s)
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