FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ cvrle77: As you can see we have other priorities set forth. We just got a ton of enemies, while we don't see any of our competitors receiving the same issues half the time. Guess someone (/plural) got a boner for our service. We feel slightly 'honored'.

I am not quite sure about what you are talking, related to enemies, and boner... hows that related to my question about captcha and login? You disabled uploaders to use your service.
I've missed something?
Here we go again... I got logged out and captcha is here again. The most retarded is that you need to type your details twice, first to get to the page with captcha and then again with captcha.

Ok, I will not complain anymore, I will wait patiently for you to fix that, but PLEASE check that captcha engine with your tech stuff, there must be some bug!
Ricky, Down and ref payment Pending

+ Ftp slow
Hi RickyFS, I have the same problem as Supremacy.
My earnings still pending since abril 30th in "Earnings Account History" and don´t get transfered to "Account Payable".


Why not introduce a 3~5 hour time-out system on the captcha codes? If they login from 2~3 different IPs, then for the next 3~5 hour, the captcha will be activated for logins. If within that time, only 1 ip was used, captcha will be disabled. If they login with different IPs within the time limit, it'll keep extending the time-out upto 24 hour. I dont think your users would be complaining then.

You can implement it simply by adding 3 more rows to the user table, 1 for their loggin IP, 1 for loggin time, and last one for their time-out time. When a user logs in, their loggin ip and time is saved to database. When they loggin with a different ip, within 3~5 hours of last login time, update the database with new loggin IP and loggin time, and set timeout to 3~5 hours from current loggin time. If the timeout time is > current time, captcha will be active. Otherwise, no captcha.

This is just one way to do it. I am sure your devlopers will be able to come up with lots of other ways to implement a similar system. Please consider this option. This will be a perfect middle ground between where you are now and what the users wants.

Thanks in advance.
somik: That won't exactly help. It is my understanding Fileserve captcha is meant to be protection against bruteforce attacks on users accounts. Although it is hard to believe my account is being bruteforced 24/7 :)

You could argue why not give each accessiong IP 1 try on successful login before requiring captcha.

And btw. did you fix Fileserve upload for your users already? I assume you are a developer of sBorg by the look of your avatar/sig). BloodSucker was quite furious earlier for not being able to upload with your tool.
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