FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hi RickyFS PLZ Check This Today I Just Found This On mY Stats. DOnt Get Me Wrong Or Anything. I Just Showing My Problem.

Today I Upload 1 Music Album which Is 105 MB, Its Got Downloaded By Users 21 Times But Its Counted Just 10 Download, Why ???????




Hey RickyFS everybody asking the same question of user download counts and money earned download counts. This is big difference in most cases only 40-50% download counts. I don't think its possible.
@ ILHFFS & BigBang24: No? Why would we cheat you guys so blatantly? Ask yourself that. It isn't logical to present the data as such if we were going to cheat you like that. It's simply outrageous. Even more outrageous is it that this was the SAME before they even stopped updating in the file manager. Why the new rush of "you guys are cheating us for half of the downloads you owe me money for?!" ??

Want us to just remove the numbers in the file manager? Then everyone can go back to the guessing game of seeing which files are "active" or "popular" or whatever people use it for.
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Hey RickyFS don't take as a blame. We just want to inform you that why no body complaining this 15-20 days before. I also figured out in last 15-20 days everybody tell you that something wrong with the download counts and the earned download count. There must be something problem you have to check.

You can see in my signature where I mention - Fileserve Never Cheat Anybody.
@ ILHFFS: Apologize if I misunderstood what I thought your intentions were going - it has been discussed over and over again why file manager count differs from the stats count. In fact this was discussed for about 10 months until it stopped working for 1.5-2 I can see the discussion is starting again and I really can't be bothered to repeat myself over and over again on why they're different.

That's just how it is and that's how it always will be. We don't count wrong, we don't cheat you, we always pay and we are always up front about issues. We don't hide, though that would be the wish of many so they can point fingers at us and tell us how much we suck :)
Whats the max download speed for 1 file ( premium user ) ?

What's the total max speed / second for a premium user . e.g : downloading 10 files at same time
@ pj06: If you haven't noticed people can still remote upload to them.

@ eXploit: What if you went to a mate's house and tried on there? Any luck?

@ Expiatory: Nice first post. There's nothing to it than what you see.

@Ricky: worked but now does not work, it was passed one day of you have blocked filesonic. I spoke with hish and he said he tried to speak with you several times but that did not get any response from your part.
Why do I have to enter a captcha when logging in? Not every time but very very often.

That's incredibly annoying. For the record: I'm premium user.
@ viruz99: With 8 threads to 1 file (FSM or IDM) a Premium user could get somewhere in the woodworks of 20 MB/sec. if your server is near ours.

we honestly don't set a limit, so really it is up to your own speed.

@ pj06: That's them blocking all our incomings then as well.

@ travma: What do you see? I see files successful (or the indications of it) for some.

@ cvrle77: Working on it. API should be available when we release the upload mod for FSM

@ Zarroc: Do you logout a lot? Prevents people from knocking us ;)

@ Killer7181: No, but soon you can export them as a CSV (or TSV [dont know format]) file and then you can order them as much as you like.
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Hey RickyFS,

Getting a weird error today. I just renewed my FS premium account yesterday and today when I go to copy a recently uploaded file it gives an error message saying: "The size of the file XXX_YYY_ZZZ.rar exceeds your storage limit". Pretty strange considering it is telling me my storage is unlimited. Can you please fix this?

My gratitude in advance.
Bye bye RickyFS, you're going :(
make my account premium as you're going
And CloudShadow got it spot on :)

We're working on the upload module for it, so please hold tight and wait. Everything comes together slowly and we develop everything from scratch - Because we can.
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