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Ricky, why can't the techs fix this "ftp pending" problem? :( Its an age old problem that is still persisting. I have given up on remote uploading due to the bugs but atleast make the ftp work smoothly or else uploading is a pain. 11 files in ftp pending list for the last 4-6 hours.

No such problems with Hotfile. Are they using a different ftp system?
@ ILHFFS: What do you mean? File download count is unaffected. You mean the file manager count?

For what antivirus - I don't know; whoever updates the quickest and can recognize "code" in a program that resembles a keylogger.

@ Prazsky: I can tell you that FTP is quite healthy. In fact there's more people who upload via FTP than rapidleech. So somehow, somewhere, it must be functioning OK (not saying it is topshelf greatness).

HF's structure is completely different from ours, so that's why they have a different setup. We take one thing at a time, so nothing can be changed at this point than to bite the bullet and wait. I don't recognize FTP pending at the moment since it is working fine. Our system went down 1.5 days ago, so that could be the cause since we had to redo everyone's files and 99% did end up at the right location.
@ Mark96: Did a little test a few minutes ago:


As shown in the screenshots you can see that a 16 MB file (yes it is small, but I used it as a quick example) went smooth and about 1.5-2 minutes later it appeared in my account.
hi ricky 8-)

is it possible whenever tech's have time to implement a progress bar of RU file(s) pending with a percent e.g. 40% viewable in Fmanager.

Probably technically will be possible to implement this function and add to-do priority future issues whenever all serious issues fixed first.

FM file(s) counter seems to be getting slightly better comparing last week.
Hello, I am here again with problem 8-)
Today in the morning uploading speed was normal, but in afternoon via FTP and WEB is very slow, only about 60Kb/s.
In to other FTPs uploading in normal speed, so I think that is not my internet providers problem.
I cant use FTP because my password isnt available :O

Yeah, FTP Upload is acting glitchy today

I uploaded about 6 files... FlashFXP said the uploads were successful... Two files have been pending for hours and only 1 made it into my file manager...

The other 3 are lost in cyberhell i guess...
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