FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Can we just stop this debate. :) Let FS run their business for the next few months and we will see about their services. Simply if it's good then more people will change to FS. If experience is bad then we just simply change for another host.
Yeah zeroseven is right..stop this and leave FS do what it wants to show us if it is capable to produce good service..if you do not like it you can change the host guys..8-)
I have no idea if it was fixed yet however Fileserve just paid me :)


They also paid me last week for the amount of $23.35:O
@ TheShadowOne: You do? Clearly, you and our company are not in the same business. In addition to this, I don't know of any other internet businesses who have techies at work on weekends coding for them, especially if they're US-based. Exemption for such matters are 24 hours hotlines outsourced to India or a webhosting company. People have lives, families, kids and what not - As an employer you need to be reasonable with your staff. You of all "company owners" should know that.

Passing on the "responsibility" to the uploaders is not fair for us, them or anyone else. The service was still running, just not at an optimal level. Truth to be told. Uploaders were still making money, downloaders were still getting their files and high latency users in Australia / India were not having as much luck. Do you close down for business just because you have part of the store under renovation? You don't. Do you seal off a four lane motorway when you're only fixing one lane? You don't. Similar analogy.

Buddy...If you don't like our service. Fair do's. Leave. If you do, stay. I haven't asked you, nor have anyone else on this board or thread, to stay and discuss our business decisions of keeping our service alive just because we had a FEW overloaded servers. That's you insinuating and provoking a discussion in which matter, we have the final call & decision to make. Please refer to the above example of a government-body closing a four lane motorway and not redirecting the traffic. You must be out of your mind.

We have come very far with the open mindset and transparency we've shown on this board, other boards and in general. I don't think you have much to say unless you've/are (been) running a filehost. IF you are running a current filehost, we have probably surpassed you (traffic wise) or will probably surpass you in the very near future.

Have a good day. This discussion is over.
@ Teh^^^Dude>>>: We were fixing the problems regarding RU, FTP, Web upload, slow page and the script - We will take a look at that too, when we have released some new features and taken care of other high-priority issues.

@ ZeroAT: Yes, we paid out for the vast majority. Some are still being audited.
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