FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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awesome work.... works like charm.... :)

and Ricky,

edit option is enabled again i guess... jus chek once... Loget was telling...
hey Ricky pls improve ur security system if possible like hf.. I mean If someone need to change his/her password thn send a verification mail the original email add like hf do for their user. few days ago one of mine frnd a/c got hacked by someone,,hacker can not transfer the fund though but this hacker purchase 3 month premium a/c from his money.:'(
Actually he was not so active in wjunction so share this sad things with me at msn.. Guys beware for those freak hakcer...X-(X-(
Do not save ur password at mozilla firefox.. it will ruin ur life..:'(
@ W:
First bit - Done already
Second bit - Well, as said, security works since the guy needed access to your account to change the details. your friend had money in Payable which means he could have cashed out; we can't put a security "block" up for every movement that is made

And yes...Don't download dodgy stuff OR go put your details into "file transfer sites" or link generators - whatever you call them
^ I believe you called them leech sites Ricky :P

And tell ur friend not to use the same password for all his accounts on the web. Even adding like password1 password2 can be easily hacked.
hi ricky, is it wise to make a transfer of earnings to payout account today? your news says:

Dear FileServe users,
We have been made aware that users experience "frozen" stats. This is clearly not the case as the graphics found at will increase. Furthermore, your statistics report will display your daily earnings as well.

The misunderstanding of "frozen" stats is that "Total Earnings" is excluding your current "Daily Earnings". We are right now working on a fix for this.

We thank you for your patience and cooperation. Happy earnings and good weekend!
Best regards,

maybe if i request a transfer to payout account, what will be transferred is the "frozen stats/earnings" instead of the real amount. pls. advise. thanks.
@ techdaemon: As you can see on "", it states:

Amount updates at 12am EST (NY time) daily
...This means if you press say at 1PM only the amount from the day previously is included. The current day would still be counting. If I was you, I'd press it today.
@ Resident: Where did you upload from?

@ Wyk88: Don't know if any accoutants are checking their computer on a Sunday... Maybe, maybe not :) They have families too.

@ enya90: ETA is 2-3 weeks I think - We always said the program would come out around October or November.
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