FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ Keychain: You cannot have 1 ID for 2 accounts - The system doesn't accept that.

@ singlelinks: Don't know. When the acct. dept. gets someone to start auditing the accounts.

@ CyberAff: Firefox bug. Hopefully gone when we come out with a new improved File Manager (like the current file manager with more options)
Then say is it right, if we do this way:

Same paypal id. But while requesting for a payout from acc2, we change the payment details of acc1 temporarily and vice versa....
ricky,ı cant see it anywhere.autosend and upload notification is okey but direct download is not there :(

@ all: Please see:


Direct download can now be switched on and off for your liking.
@ KeyChain: Yes that is possible

Just make sure the accounts are not interlinked :)

@ fatihbaz: You need to be a Premium to be able to see this.
Ok i haven't created a second acc yet. Will signup as a new user w/o my ref's.

Thanks for your confirmation but still, while auditing won't you look for if the payment id being used by some other acc previously if not at present.. or is it ok if it isn't in use at present.

(Just wanna confirm it)
I still dont get this Paypal thing with 2 accounts.

Can the 2 accounts have the same emailaddress set as payout? No right?

If not, can I just attach another emailaddress to my Paypal account and everything will be fine with my 2 - not interlinked - accounts and 2 different emailadresses?

Huh? :-)

I did pay (hard work) for 1 premium account - that must be enough.
I just added one more free user for.... fun. :-)
You can have same paypal id for payment. But while requesting for payout make sure only one of your acc has your paypal id. This is what Ricky confirmed for which i asked in previous page..
We don't pay out My Sites on a weekly basis. That's paid out monthly due to the risk of fraudulent transfers.

Thanks in advance.

And we will get it updated ASAP
"For your personal security, please complete the email verification process to get payout.
Click here"

Something is up.

But I havent received my email yet :-)
hey ricky.. in the new file manager can u include mass renaming? Many files can be renamed at the same time..... and also the function of find in name...replace with :?
Is that possible? :D

Find in name:

Replace with:
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