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My 6 month Fileserv premium got disabled. Lost 38 Usd
I have 42 usd on my account which is removed. Lost 40 Usd
My account got disabled but files are still alive for making money.

ohhhhhhhhh Ricky a true asshole............. FUCK OFFFFFFFF RICKY. MAY FBI'S DOGS EAT YOURS TWO BALLS......
is there any way to crawl FS accounts for links? my IDM had a few files in que, they finished downloading even after the account was off.
So my second account has been disabled as well. I only used that to download files and FS closed it due to 'violation of terms'.

I had two free accounts which I stopped using a year ago. Both of them are disabled, just checked now. Told you they are packing up business.
Your writing like copyright owner bitch! :)) Pathetic .... "our files", lol ...X-D
hello I upload amateur porn photos and videos. I have 1 year using fileserve in total there's 5,600 files.

they disabled all accounts with or without copyright stuff on it. thats because some webmasters are deleting all files
yeah, they disabled mine too over "violation of terms"
maybe because I deleted everything yesterday, 'cause you can't really trust with your data a company who acts like that, right?
I do regret getting a 6 month premium with them (has some months left in it),
but oh well, live and learn :P :))
Wow just wow... some of you need to read up the T.O.C sometimes.
They don't have to pay you anything not $0.0001 not $1000000000.
On top most of you are uploading pirated content and expect to be paid ?
Like come on ?

Let's say i went and stole a car, Police just caught me let me go.
Would they give the car back ? NO! They wouldn't.

Now i go steal a few dvd's from a shop. Got caught again SHIT -.-
Police let me go after being taken to court. Would i get the dvd's back?
Fuck no!

In other words stop crying about not being paid. They haven't scammed you!
You scammed them by uploading pirated content!

I didn't agree with you .. if u saying that they haven't scammed us!
we scammed them by uploading pirated content then you also supporting fileserve .

Coz .. if they didn't supporting pirated content then why they advisement in warez site Like : or Warezbb.. and also why they paying for filesharing . if they only paying for only legal files then why Mods Deleted Fileserve original thread from Wjunction.

I thought Fileserve main thread need back in Wjunction .. They also related with warez ...
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