- HLS CDN Streaming | Lifetime Storage | Custom Ads | Custom Domain | Auto-Payouts | Anti Clone


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Hello Everyone!

My name is David and i'll be your affiliate manager from FileMoon here.

- About Hosting
  • Adult file content is allowed
  • No file expiry
  • Global CDN system for streaming your videos
  • Multiple ad modes
  • Automatic payouts
  • Custom Ads
  • Custom Domain


Q: How you service is different from other hosting sites ?

  • Custom Domain - You can set your own domain for embeds to avoid ISP blocking.
  • Custom Ads - You can set your own ads into the player.
  • Multi Earning Modes - You can select different earnings mode for views and downloads.
  • Anti Clone - You can block other users from cloning your videos.
  • Auto Payouts - After 5th payment you can enable auto payouts.
  • No Expiry - Your files will be stored lifetime doesn't matter if you're big uploader or small one. As long as you don't abuse us.
  • Quality Selection - You can decide if you want to have 1080p videos encoding or any other quality we offer (360,480,720,1080p encoding).
  • Account Type - You can select your account type to avoid adult ads at your videos.
  • Minimum Ads - Our 100% earning mode contains 2 pops and 1 In Page Push ad.

Q: Do you ignore DMCA ?
  • We don't our service is long term and we cannot ignore DMCA reports.
Q: What is minimum payout amount ?
  • 25$ for all payout methods.

- Our affiliate program can be found here:
- Quick registration link:
- Payout options: PayPal, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, Payeer,Tron(TRX), USDT - (Tether),AdvCash
- ZOOM Uploader is SUPPORTED
- Upload methods: WEB / FTP / REMOTE

You can contact us 24/7 using following methods:

Telegram: @filemoonsx
WJ: Private Message
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Hello, now why did you block my account? I only told you to make the payments on time, nothing more! Who will work with you if you do this?

Listen drama queen. First you come to us with your problem via PM or in thread not in the chat. You got your payout that you made drama of and we "Russians" got rid of your account now.

Take care have a nice day
I sent you an email, you should have read it, and yes you have ruined the world! And if you said that you pay in one day, why do you pay in 9 days, you liar! You are the most... of all the hosts!!!
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Drama queen its your mother, now delete my videos and stop making money from them, Russian! I haven't lost anything, you've lost your self-esteem because you keep saying "best regards!
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4. Payout Changes
- Telegram bot (You will be able to withdraw your balance via already set payout method. All payments will be instantly delivered to your wallet upon requesting and confirming the request)
- Minimum payout limits per method with fees according to method (There will be some changes for each method so we dont get 50 payouts for 25$ from single user).
First, thank you for the updates, looking forward to the playlist feature! I have a question about the payout changes, when will you be able to share the minimum payout limits per method and when will they take effect? I'm currently able to request a PayPal payout over $25, but will it be fulfilled? I worry that the minimum payout for PayPal might be increased and it would prevent my request from being fulfilled. Thank you.
So I'm not the only one who has late payment.
Normally it takes 2 days to send me but now it's been 4 and it still hasn't arrived
I hope it doesn't happen like wolfstream, since filemoon is one of the best hosts currently available :c
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So I'm not the only one who has late payment.
Normally it takes 2 days to send me but now it's been 4 and it still hasn't arrived
I hope it doesn't happen like wolfstream, since filemoon is one of the best hosts currently available :c
I was blocked because I asked him for payment, this shows the character of this man, he thinks he is the only one in the world of hosts. You have to be flexible to talk to those who bring you money. But this is the character of the Russian nation. And he thinks that I still have accounts with him? Well, I would never work with a specimen like this.
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But don't let it be understood that there is something wrong with this host, I just trusted him because he is better than other hosts and after uploading dozens of videos he bans me because I asked for my money. And then what should I believe? He blocked a few more if you look at the last posts. I didn't wake up asking for my money pointlessly, I thought he was a fair man and pays on time, why should I see him again but he doesn't respect us?
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and I am attaching the email I sent him

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Did you see exactly where the problem was? No, you didn't reply to that email, but you blocked me because, where were you to find you? Are you a Russian trickster? Yes!

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I am a fair person on this forum and I respect everyone but you are the only person in my hosting life since 2015 who made fun of my work and believe me I will do my best to show the whole world that you were wrong ! And you don't even have a reply, because God will take you
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We won't pay for such traffic as blacklisted sites do not display ads so why would we pay for it ??

its more about once you post a link it can be copied anywhere without the user knowing, i think just for clarification for us, can you explain how it will work? e.g embeds from the blacklisted site only? actually links on the site only? or does any views of the actual file not get paid at all?
Entire traffic coming from blacklisted website will not be rewarded with money, if more than 80% of your traffic will come from site that is blacklisted we will disable your account entirely.
Entire traffic coming from blacklisted website will not be rewarded with money, if more than 80% of your traffic will come from site that is blacklisted we will disable your account entirely.

so embeds only on the blacklisted site though? if its just a link which sends the viewer back to the filemoon website to view that will still be counted though as its viewed from within the filemoon site?

i dont like how i would get punished if my link gets shared around the net and i dont know where its been put on and i cant take it down.
Hello Guys,

I'm Happy to annouce upcoming update to filemoon, below will describe what is going to change in detail.

1. Changes related to accounts
- Multi account detection and auto ban system (Whoever has more than one account with us but has not notified us about it will be banned and all files removed automaticly everytime person creates account).
- Ban evading prevention (If you were banned but then created new account you will be banned again automaticly with all files removed).
- 2FA auth permanently on (to improve accounts security 2 factor authentication will be enforced for all accounts).
- Account removal button (Simple button that will allow you to close your account with filemoon anytime you want).

2. Earnings and income changes.
- Website blacklist detection (Automatic system that will be disabling your earnings if your website is blacklisted by google).
- Views system removal (System that will replace old fasion views system by removing limit on how how many percentage was watched, removing limits of counting per ip instead your will receive money by rates and amount of ads that was actually opened by your viewer. This system will be working in test mode for atleast 3 months and any of you will be able to enable it in settings. Please note that rates will not be fixed they will be fluctuating live based on your traffic quality and each user might have different rates based on quality and conversion factor).

3. Premium Changes
- Price for premium accounts will be increased.
- 4k Support (Yes we will support 4k videos for premium accounts. As long as you have premium 4k quality will be served. Please note that some of your viewers might not be able to handle 4k quality streaming).
- Finally storage increase feature will be served.
- Premium purchase trough your account money will be enabled.

4. Payout Changes
- Telegram bot (You will be able to withdraw your balance via already set payout method. All payments will be instantly delivered to your wallet upon requesting and confirming the request)
- Minimum payout limits per method with fees according to method (There will be some changes for each method so we dont get 50 payouts for 25$ from single user).

5. Filtering system changes
- General improvements to better recognize CSAM and other content that violates our ToS

6. Files Manager Changes
- Adding export for folders and subfolders (if you export main folder all files inside that folder and all subfolders in it will be exported).
- Sharing folders (Adding ability to share entire folder so all your files that are public will be visible there).
- Playlists (Creating playlists which will be automaticly moving into next video on the playlist when first one were watched).

7. Search Results improvements for websites
- Feature to display information before play click about pop ads as many of you do not add that which then google blacklist your sites or deranks them. With that option you will comply with their policy which should improve your search results (please note that if you have popads on your website you need to display that information in every place where the ads will be triggered, this option is dedicated to users who has ads only in player.)
- NSFW information (will be displayed without ability to disable it at all erotic content)

8. DSP Platform Introduction

We have prepared Demand Side Platform for advertisers who work with us and also for new advertisers who would like to advertise over filemoon, normally this feature was private for certain companies that work with us however now everyone who would like to advertise over filemoon will be able to sign up and advertise. DSP platform comes with Open RTB protocol and all reporting data like conversions and other stuff.


As always if you wish us to implement new features or have ideas how to improve filemoon we are happy to hear you out and implement good features so if you have anything you can always PM me.

All payouts untill this update is released will be processed ONCE A WEEK.


ADD BETTER CUSTOMER SUPPORT and actually answer people that have questions here. I've had bunch of problems that I encountered but you ignored each and every one of them and didn't respond once. If you only want paid customers, make the website only premium. if not, treat everyone equally
You can check in google transparency report or you can see in chrome on the right side that the popups on your website are blocked by chrome. If so it means that your site is blacklisted.

Can we create a player link in our site and use it?

example (my movie site)
I will use as iframe and put your iframe code in it.

In short, I'll make you iframe in iframe, is that okay?