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I thought you were an excellent host of files,
but you make Amendments in every moment.

I assure you, so do not go far
Why you come to play with Uploader's Emotions? The fucking download does not work for free users. Stay away from here if cant provide free downloading.

First of all, stop bitching.

I have been checking out Filehost section from time to time and this is first time we have seen new Filehost developing and adding requested (some unique) features so fast!

Now, just because probably you and rest of "Uploaders" who upload GB's and GB's of data which is not even downloaded end up flooding servers, it's not their fault.

From what I have seen so far, support is great on this topic, they never keep users in the dark, which is good. Give it some time to expand (they said they have ordered new servers in different locations) and then start using it, no one is forcing you to use it right now.

Out of 10 new filehosts 8 of those are using same old shitty xfilesharing script, this one has it's own custom script, so saying they are noobs or whatever is stupidity.

Patience is the key.

Limiting storage for non-efficient users is just fair and smart, though I hope they remove it in future.

They probably will, like 99%. But at the moment I think it's great idea.

downloads not starting again :(

nobody will be able to download ??

all my uploaded files are a waste now...

lot of users complaining download not not found...

only after u solve this issue i'm goin to upload further
Let me just give you guys a quick rundown of what's been happening.

In the past 48 hours our numbers broke through our projections. I've added another emergency server to cope with the load and increased everyone's storage by 200gb.

The overload was both outgoing and incoming, which caused instability in remote upload and FTP. Remote upload should be stable again for now. FTP will be unavailable for the next few hours while I re-do the script. Instantly appearing in the manager is not good when the upload fails.

downloads not starting again :(

nobody will be able to download ??

all my uploaded files are a waste now...

lot of users complaining download not not found...

only after u solve this issue i'm goin to upload further

hello filelaser...pls reply...when u solve this...??

download not not found

problem still exists..:(
This problem occurs for some files uploaded before the 18th of May. It cannot be fixed because the files do not exist on the file server. You will have to re-upload them.
This problem occurs for some files uploaded before the 18th of May. It cannot be fixed because the files do not exist on the file server. You will have to re-upload them.

no...i uploaded some files today....same problem

download doesn't start...

PM sent with link...i uploaded...pls check and reply...
This is an unfortunate consequence of the servers being overloaded.

The site will now show an unavailable message for these files. However, the files themselves are gone. I've updated the upload code to add better detection of files going missing while being written to the file server database, so no more of these incidents should occur.
whether i have to reupload all my files...

bcoz everyfile showing same error....:( solve all these error and give us a stable site to work with X-(

its very very many times i will upload ??

this error always exists... right from the start of your website :(

i am uploading files...but nobody able to download...its a waste..!!

again i always like ur site...but these type of errors frustrates me...
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Trust me, this annoys me just as much as it annoys you.

After I've finished the new FTP processor I'll work on something to check which files are broken and email the link owners.
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