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FTP is now online again. Files will be moved to your account after 5 mins.

I'm now going to write a script to detect while files are broken.
OK. But once I've fixed that any files that you've uploaded already will be moved.

Regarding some files being missing from the server overload:
I'm checking the entire database for missing files. Owners of the files will be emailed if any of their files are removed. In addition, I'm granting 1 day of premium per every 10gb of files missing to users affected.
when i upload a file, i have a white page. The file dont show up in file manager

it goes to 100 procent and then i wait 5 min, and it becomes white.

small files are working, but file around 500 mb doenst upload
maybe a new tab should be added to FileManager interface regarding removed and/or broken files.

this list/tab has to list the broken and dmca files removed for each user and the reason (broken etc.)

tab can be located next to search box in FM similar to here


thks finally for adding support to enable FL links without filenames!!
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maybe a new tab should be added to FileManager interface regarding removed and/or broken files.

this list/tab has to list the broken and dmca files removed for each user and the reason (broken etc.)

tab can be located next to search box in FM similar to here


thks finally for adding support to enable FL links without filenames!!
I don't plan on there being any more broken files. I'll see about adding a removed files list.

Site down

edit: up again
The only reason the site goes down is if I'm adding new features or fixing known bugs. You don't need to tell me here :).

The new FTP authentication server is online. You can start using it again.
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