Easy-Share.com - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

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I've been using easy-share for around 2 months now. I really like the site but i'm just not confident they count all sales. I was using ugotfile for around 18 months before they folded and was making a minimum of around $20 p/day (and that was making $2 p/sale, so 10 sales per day). I'm posting the same content in the same forums and i'm still only making around $20 p/week with easy-share (which works out to roughly 4 sales per week), it just doesn't add up? I'm on the RevShare program.

I'd like to know what others think?

Guys, sorry about AlertPay delay. We had to resend our corporate documents again, and it takes 10 more business days for alertpay to review it. Hopefully this is the last delay.

And we are working on adding payoneer cards as well.

AlertPay is added as payment option

We have added AlertPay as payment option. Minimum pay amount - $10, no commisson. There are 4 ways to receive your money: PayPal, WebMoney, Bank Transfer and AlertPay.

Finally! Thanks for adding AlertPay !

Now, its only left to see you add Payoneer as you promissed. :)

...hopefully it will be added very soon.
how long does it take to be payed out once you reach your
payout amount ? waiting for my first payment and would like to know from those that got payed several times till now - thx in advance for answers :)
Finally we have added AlertPay as a payment option. Thank you for your patience :)

Minimum pay amount - $10, no commisson. Now there are 4 ways to receive your money: PayPal, WebMoney, Bank Transfer and AlertPay.
Best host for uploaders using files of small size

I already get paid two times past month


Can u help with my premium account issue?
username is : russhimi
really weird, sometime when im log in premium account status is premium, sometime not active, and sometime expired.just bought yesterday



thanks..I have got some 2 sales on Easy-Share.com about 2 years ago..So I wanted to know..I'll start using them from today
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