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ok, today is 29th of November. 8 days later, still no AlertPay.

In your book, 'few days' means...how long?

(other hosters got their AlertPay accounts verified much faster)

You should ask this question to alertpay...

Easy-share is waiting for Alertpay to complete the process at their end .
I don't need to ask AlertPay anything. Other hosters already got their AlertPay accounts active and I'm asking here WHY Easy-Share still didn't finished the process of getting their account activated?
"time is relative my friend" :)

btw if someone do answer here anytime soon :)- my premium expires in five days -
If I buy new account will my account be extended for a month (meaning will 1
month premium be added to a period of duration of my bought account)
if I reach earnings of 14 dollars in this month

@post bellow - yea I agree I was just beeing sarcastic my friend :)
yes, but 'few days should mean FEW days'. When 'few days' become '7 days' that's a WEEK not 'few days'. When first week ends and the other starts, that's 'few WEEKS'.
We have opened an account with alertpay, it will take a few days to integrate into our system.

This was posted on november 15th. YOU guys from easy-share are one lazy asses. Thats what you are. X-(

Its almost a month !!!!

All other one-click-hosters, INCLUDING the crappy ones managed to get their AlertPay account confirmed, but not you. You are 'special' case. X-(
acctually I think it is not their fault as much as I can read elsewhere
other hosters have applied for AP but their proces is not finished yet too
It looks AlertPay put them all on hold until they finish their project with
introduction of AP Credit/Debit cards and it is taking too long too
zenica, you don't understand what I'm saying.

Other hoster CAN pay you on AlertPay. But maybe AlertPay credit card is not ready yet, and you have to find other ways to withdraw your money from AlertPay, BUT you can receive money from anyone on AlertPay. (only card withdrawal is not ready, but you can wire your money on your banks account or add your own credit card to AlertPay).
well mate that really sucks then :(
how can they delete any of your files if you are a premium (!?)
I dont know I am quite new to ES and do not have that much of experience with them
I will upload there for a while but if AlertPay is not introduced soon enough
there is no point to upload anymore because Paypal doesnt work in this part of the world
and I have no way to be paid so I will switch to some that pays to AlertPay

but leave that aside - what happened to you is really much worse and it is
what we here (and proly the rest of normal world)
would call - bad bad business management
Yes, it sucks, you are correct about that. They are completly removing EVERYTHING that I had. Those files were NEVER (and again NEVER) shared with anyone. Only copies of those files were shared.

Update: There was a technical issue there. Files are back. There were new filters in their file manage, that didn't work as they should have. I almost had a heart attack when I saw all files missing.
Guys, sorry about AlertPay delay. We had to resend our corporate documents again, and it takes 10 more business days for alertpay to review it. Hopefully this is the last delay.

And we are working on adding payoneer cards as well.
Firstly, your payments are way below the standart (usually they pay 25+)

Second, Group 3: 0 (zero) usd? At least, you should pay 1-2 usd...

Third, remote upload speed is relatively good.

Best luck
illetyus2, thank you :)
Use discount coupons, you will earn commission from every premium account sale (PLUS per download earnnings). Our top uploaders make way above $20/per 1000dl by using discount coupons. (per download program + discount coupon program = $280+ from 1000 downloads - actual november record)
I've been using easy-share for around 2 months now. I really like the site but i'm just not confident they count all sales. I was using ugotfile for around 18 months before they folded and was making a minimum of around $20 p/day (and that was making $2 p/sale, so 10 sales per day). I'm posting the same content in the same forums and i'm still only making around $20 p/week with easy-share (which works out to roughly 4 sales per week), it just doesn't add up? I'm on the RevShare program.

I'd like to know what others think?
Yes, it sucks, you are correct about that. They are completly removing EVERYTHING that I had. Those files were NEVER (and again NEVER) shared with anyone. Only copies of those files were shared.

Update: There was a technical issue there. Files are back. There were new filters in their file manage, that didn't work as they should have. I almost had a heart attack when I saw all files missing.

good to hear -btw did they tell you anything about AP ?
I wasn't asking them about AlertPay, but I see that their PR replied that they had to resend documentation.

Guys, sorry about AlertPay delay. We had to resend our corporate documents again, and it takes 10 more business days for alertpay to review it. Hopefully this is the last delay.

And we are working on adding payoneer cards as well.

Good to hear news about AlertPay and Payoneer. Hopefully both will be implemented soon.

Its would be a great thing to have your easy-share Payoneer card with 'easy-share' written all over it.

I really hope AlertPay and Payoneer will come soon.
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