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Just about everything that exists in many of the sections exist somewhere else.

It is impossible to have a hundred percent unique forum with unique content.
Its very easy though to simply not copy and paste stuff that is clearly on one or more websites already, and its very unlikely that anything posted here (other than this copy and pasted news) will be word for word the same as it is on another website. I'm not sure how much you know about SEO etc but even people that do rip tons of content on a regular basis at least have the sense to spin it first.

Anyway as I said I don't want to argue the matter, do what you like and ignore good advice if you will 8-)
I just pointed out .. I hardly think you've read all my posts in this thread ..

I'm no SEO expert, but I explained my opinion about what should be done in one of my first post in this thread.

I'm not looking to argue, I'm just trying to convey a point.

We will end this thread here. People should understand the consequences for WJ when they have read Mr Happy's post.
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