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Mr Happy

Active Member
This is one thing that's starting to annoy me and getting worse on WJ and with the way Google now works it's becoming more serious.

I know a lot of members of WJ are used of just leeching crap in an automated way to earn money from downloads and that's fine on WBB or other warez sites but that's not the way it works on content driven websites such as WJ. Please don't just copy and paste an article from torrentfreak, techcrunch or similar. Any basic piece of coding can copy the RSS feeds faster than you. If you find an article you like re-write it in your own words or do a Google search to expand on the original article to find more info.

Google is getting really good at matching duplicate content and while you may think your helping WJ copying interesting articles your doing the opposite and harming it.

It's not just members it's staff that do this too. If your too lazy then at the very least add one or two lines of your own opinion on the topic. This is for everyone's benefit. People enjoy reading articles that contain your opinion.
I agree. I am even annoyed at those News articles that people put up. Some mods do it too (although they cite the source)
But still.
Such Articles are for Blogs.
A news thread like "New iPhone 4 launched" is useless. It has nothing to do with webmasters. It counts as General Discussion, but such articles come up every day on engadget or Gizmodo. All of them are interesting. Bu that doesn't mean you need to post them here.
A good point being raised. Copying is really a pain and then over of articles which possibly don't make any sense to this "Webmaster Hangout"
I agree there is far to much copy/paste articles. Sure reading some of them can be interesting,but as Happy said in the long run it will do more harm then good when it comes to Google crawling the site
This is one thing that's starting to annoy me and getting worse on WJ and with the way Google now works it's becoming more serious.

I know a lot of members of WJ are used of just leeching crap in an automated way to earn money from downloads and that's fine on WBB or other warez sites but that's not the way it works on content driven websites such as WJ. Please don't just copy and paste an article from torrentfreak, techcrunch or similar. Any basic piece of coding can copy the RSS feeds faster than you. If you find an article you like re-write it in your own words or do a Google search to expand on the original article to find more info.

Google is getting really good at matching duplicate content and while you may think your helping WJ copying interesting articles your doing the opposite and harming it.

It's not just members it's staff that do this too. If your too lazy then at the very least add one or two lines of your own opinion on the topic. This is for everyone's benefit. People enjoy reading articles that contain your opinion.

^Oh ok mini-mod.
Yeah Completely Agreed with you Happy.
Just visit Web News section, i dont want to name that guys but they post news every minute.
Just Copy/Paste :|
upeepsmadbro? copy and paste kills alot of sites. Google sees it, it whips out page rank hamma and will be wj like in 2 guys one screwdriver.

if you dont like it ignore it. other wise stfu.

Don't read it, simple. Some people do like the news, some don't.

What MrHappy said has nothing to do with liking the article, or wanting to read it...

It has to do with WJ ranking in search engines, right now it is pretty good, but as the duplicate contente goes up, the ranking goes down.

All you have to do is rewrite the article with your own words, or if you have no time, just do short version of the article, then the link to the full article.
A lot of the news what is posted is interesting like LulzSec news and news on the laws that are being implemented, I think WJunction won't suffer googles wrath if the copying and pasting is kept small. Even if they did get sandboxed or something I'm sure eLight could ask to be reviewed and explain the case.
if you dont like it ignore it. other wise stfu.

Or be ignorant rep beggar, like yourself. :facepalm:
You want someone to rep you, but instead of contributing here, and listening more experienced from yourself, you are being ignorant spammer, who's obviously care more for his reputation, so he can monetize it, instead of contributing to community in proper way.

If you can't rewrite it, don't copy-paste it.

Who puts this in his signature, anyway?
I know uploaders do this, so they better monetize their uploads.

@ Mr Happy, as he stated once, he doesn't care what he posted.
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