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This is one thing that's starting to annoy me and getting worse on WJ and with the way Google now works it's becoming more serious.

I know a lot of members of WJ are used of just leeching crap in an automated way to earn money from downloads and that's fine on WBB or other warez sites but that's not the way it works on content driven websites such as WJ. Please don't just copy and paste an article from torrentfreak, techcrunch or similar. Any basic piece of coding can copy the RSS feeds faster than you. If you find an article you like re-write it in your own words or do a Google search to expand on the original article to find more info.

Google is getting really good at matching duplicate content and while you may think your helping WJ copying interesting articles your doing the opposite and harming it.

It's not just members it's staff that do this too. If your too lazy then at the very least add one or two lines of your own opinion on the topic. This is for everyone's benefit. People enjoy reading articles that contain your opinion.

Dude I must appreciate your concern .I am currently working on seo field and as a professional seo executive I must say Original content matters a lot nowadays.
Even I noticed it but I thought who carez ?? even admins are not worried about it.
Good job and ignore abuses because you know you are right .
good luck.;)
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not everyone gets hold of every news on interweb. So sometimes this copy-paste really help ppl to know something they didnt knew. I dont see issue with this (except google duplicate content thing)
I see nothing wrong in posting the news, but if it damages WJunction in google, we should do as the SEO expert says.

agree with sandvik :) seo expert should tell us what do we need to do. and we will follow that cause i didn't knew that posting news (the way mr happy said) affects the site SEO/Rank etc..

he never even put his own opinion on every news he shared :facepalm:

a pure copy pastier :)

okey you guys started saying "Copy Pastier & Copy Pastier" let me explain you or you explain me how come he is a copy/pastier ? do you even know who is copy/pastier and why do we call him "Copy/Pastier" ? no you don't

you guys just seeing other replys "people quoting few replys with negative posts etc.." and you start doing same thing you don't read the whole thread you just check the replys if its negative or positive

i'll tell you who is copy/pastier. the user who takes the news/content from other site and post it in his own site or any other site without giving him any credit that one is sick and "COPY/PASTIER" but the one who gives credit with url of the exact site from the source he took the news/content you can't call him "COPY/PASTIER" since he has the main url of the site he leeched the content from. that means he ain't leecher if he was the leecher who leeches the content from other site and post it in his site to just gain some respect without giving any credit to the original writer thats the "COPY/PASTIER" but if you're saying "COPY/PASTIER" to ShareShiz i'll say its bullshit not just shareshiz including me and other users/mods who's posting news just look at their thread. they are including the main source/url of the site they took news from they aren't saying that they've written the whole news lol

so moral of the story is, never call someone bullshit when you really don't know he ain't bullshit but the one who's reporting him without any proof or any shit he is the main bullshit

am i rite or i am rite? :)

EDIT: Epic edit Mr.Virtual lol but i still have the main quote the words you said xD
I do not understand where all hatred came from.

It seems that most people are pissed.

I personally thought that people were pleased to read INTERESTING news that is RELEVANT.
I do not understand where all hatred came from.

It seems that most people are pissed.

I personally thought that people were pleased to read INTERESTING news that is RELEVANT.

yes Sandvik they are still pleased to read the news but when they've seen this thread with replies all against users that are posting news they changed the mood lol and started saying all shit you can see the replies lol. if you just search a little you'll see the users with "negative" replies in this thread.. but you'll see them in your thread and other few news threads with "positive" replies which probably means people just posting/saying shit without reading

they are just reading what people are saying to users
at least a thread starter should give their own opinion on every news they share,
not only copy pasted on here then only give the original url.

that would be cool to start a nice conversation about the topics :)
Why should the person who is posting a news article give his opinion?

It is not intended .. It is intended that the reader should give their opinions and discuss the topic.

It is most logical ... But I understand what you mean and I think it is good that Mr Happy takes up the issue.
at least a thread starter should give their own opinion on every news they share,
not only copy pasted on here then only give the original url.

that would be cool to start a nice conversation about the topics :)

okey lets say if they do that whats the difference? with the original url and own news? the thing we are doing is. looking at the news about "hotfile is dead" but we write it in our own style <-- that what you want? if yes it doesn't makes any sense same as we are doing

copying the same stuff or writing the same stuff is same unless we just make our own news and the source is WJunction
I still think most of you are missing the point... Copy and pasting news to this site will devalue it in the search engines. Its not about who wants to read it or not. Its ALL ABOUT UNIQUE CONTENT (or not)...

Personally I think the whole web news section should be renamed to "scene news" so its at least relivent. Infacted wasn't it named that a year or so ago, I'm not sure.

With the rate these articles are being posted this site is starting to look like a cheap auto blog, not only to users but more importantly THE SEARCH ENGINES.
Why scene news? Why dedicate to scene news? Scene news has nothing to do with WJunction. We are a webmaster forum. Not a "scene" fourm.

I know that most people here owns warez websites, but we are not dedicated to warez or the "scene".
I don't really want to argue the matter but anybody can clearly see this forum IS dedicated to the warez scene and if I'm not mistaken that section a year or two ago was called "Scene News", I can't remember but I didn't come here for a long time and ALL staff and many other things have been flipped.

But back to the point, it is about DUPLICATE CONTENT.
Just about everything that exists in many of the sections exist somewhere else.

It is impossible to have a hundred percent unique forum with unique content.
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