brainst0rm - possible scammer! BEWARE

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What I know:

1) His paypal got limited/locked by paypal he asked me if i could call for him to get it unlocked because due to him not using the paypal for a while they viewed it as "suspicious" activity (which i couldn't as i was on vacation)

2) he does have a night job which he normally is gone for 10-12 hours

3) I've known him for over a year probably 2 years, hes dealt with higher and more expensive transactions why would he scam for $90 ? and if he did why would he reply multiple times to this thread?

As i don't work with him in real life I obviously cant vouch for him 100% but I've worked closely with him for almost 2 years and no activity seemed suspicious, and if i didn't honestly think he didn't do what hes accused of would i stick my neck out for him?

if necessary i can dig up the chat logs

You're better off not posting if you don't know what you're on about shadeslader:

1) His account wasn't suspended due to a sudden bout of activity - It's because it's in his Mum's name (& probably because he states it's his CC that are funding the payments). & wtf could you do about it?

2) ...

3) Storming's lost out on nearer $400 here, so with spreea's $90 & what It's cost me by helping a friend, That's over $500 - Is that worth scamming for then? (Not that it matters in principle if it's $5 or $5000)

Seems you can't vouch for him 10%, so I wouldn't go sticking your neck out for him :|


He stated in one of the post, not sure why its not their now that it was his friends account.

This one spreea:

Also, CC reversals are pretty much instant. That aside, brainache will have been notified of the reversal at EXACTLY the same time that spreea & I were. As I said: None of this has seemed right from the start, not even the lies are adding up!

(@ Hawk - I've posted as I am involved in the middle of this on Storming's side &, as previously posted, brainst0rm's actions have cost me too ;))
Welll this is part of last nights convo when i asked for the domains back and didnt want the "Settlement"

hey 06/01/2011
I see that you want the domain and the site back. However, I already have spent around $100 on it for server and for cleaning the database mess. So it is not possible that I am loosing the ownership of the website. 06/01/2011
At the most $320 for it RIGHT NOW. Or you wait for few days till i get my payment reversed. 06/01/2011
Choice is yours and i think that i am being fair. 06/01/2011
How would that payment option be exactly? 06/01/2011
alertpay 06/01/2011
if you dont have an account there, shudnt take more then a min to make it 06/01/2011
One second. 06/01/2011
brb, going to the washroom. Just came back from office 06/01/2011
I can understand exactly where you are coming from but this has gone on for to long now, I've been patient and also lost alot of money due to this in which i now owe. I highly doubt you had spent around $100 for a host and cleaning the database, but in all honesty that is not my problem. Return the domain as i requested and I'll drop everything. 06/01/2011
I am not prepared to accept $320, as its cost me money for this reversal along with the BIN being much higher. 06/01/2011
thats what i will offer right now. Or else, Lets wait for around a week for full payment 06/01/2011
Dude, theres been alot of waiting 06/01/2011
With alert pay I've got to verify my details for the payment - this is going to take some times.

its just the i am keeping your urgency in mind. It doesnt take much time to change my IP and make a new account on WJ. So i am not scared of getting banned or something. But since i understand your problems, that is what i am offering as final pay.

Further on I created an AlertPay account to accept the payment, in which was coming from his CC - Sadly I've got to wait 2 - 5 busiiness days to verify my account....
This guy is a prick and an ignorant asshole. What right does he have to keep giving ULTIMATUMS to us?

This moron did the same thing to me, I wish I kept all my msn convos to show some more proof.

When I kept asking him nicely and kept giving him time, it seemed like I was the one that had to accept loosing something, he would be like "okay what do you want me to do?" or "just wait this much longer, I will work something out" or "I spent this much on blah blah blah" all this bullshit.

What amazes me is that when I called PayPal they said "the account that the payment was sent from was hacked and someone made an unauthorized transaction." Which can only mean one thing, brainst0rm obviously scammed us, because the payment wasn't sent from his account.

I would really like to know what excuse he will make about that statement?

I forgot to send screenshot to hawk. Which i did, hawk if you'd notice, my account is STILL LIMITED. SO its not me who put the hold on funds, but its paypal.

I and storming have managed to come to a conclusion. So thanks everyone for their replies and comments. Wareztrap money should be sent the moment i get intimation from storming stating his account is active.

For spreea [baamba], i am not getting into discussions anymore. The moment i see my money back, i will pay him full amount. I am not transfering the domain back as i have spent good time workin on it. SO spreea, msg me your alertpay id and you will get your money within a week.

I am not going to read/reply on this thread anymore as i've got more things to look after.

WOW ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? You like making things difficult, do you realize how fucking annoying you sound?

What did I just TELL EVERYONE.

Don't give me any fucking ultimatums or tell me what to do, I've listened to you for a while and thats gotten us nowhere.

I don't have to make any alertpay account or anything, I have waited 3 weeks following your dumbass ideas. How the hell do you still have the balls to keep coming up with excuses or tell me what to do?

We agreed on paypal and final. You didn't spend time doing shit except making me wait.

If your the one that wants to keep getting this thing finalized either give me my fucking $90 or give me my site back. How do you say "The moment i see my money back, i will pay him full amount." when paypal said someone hacked the account (which was you)....the pp wasn't even yours...

You just stated the exact bullshit you did in Stormings chatlog about how you cant give the site back cause you "spent time on it", not my fucking fault, you should have given me my money and this would of all been finished. What kind of fucking person are you?
So wtf not just pay via CC on PP? No account required?! Be quicker for Storming than waiting for anew AP acc to be verified - & you've had the reversal from PP, so no hardship & waits for spreea!

In fact - Here's an option to resolve a payment method quickly:

I maintain many legit sites, a lot of which carry PP portals. I can mod a site to direct a CC payment to my PP account in 30 seconds, post back here & clear this up & forward the funds straight on (Provided your CC isn't withheld!!!).

I know for a fact that Storming wouldn't object to this & I somehow feel that spreea would have more faith in me handling this on the spot than waiting around for you and your excuses (References available @ spreea)

Just an offer - Can't say you haven't been given a simple, foolproof, accessible means of paying these 2 good people!!!
Wow, what a Coincidence, he just HAPPENS to go offline....

Once again, he won't respond for hours than when he does, he comes up with even more excuses? I mean for god sake why doesn't he just wrap this all up?

He takes my site, doesn't give me valid reasons, and doesn't pay me?WTF
Well, cleared the above with Storming & guess you'd be OK with it (Check yer PM's).

Can't do any more to clear this up, eh? Easiest option ever!
I am going to do what storming says, i see that he said he has got some alternative way to make the payment. WIll follow that for him.

For Spreaa- I am not paying you right now. Have heard enough of abusive words from you. Its not a hacked account, its still limited. If you dont have your money, neither do i have mine. So all the offers are no longer valid, all i will do is pay you once i get the money back. Enough said. Crib how much ever you want , create how many threads you want. I will let baamba die, but now wont pay you unless i see my money back.
brainst0rm, please don't act like Mathew Buer. Guy who scammed and acted like he never scammed. What does anyone have from your word? You were saying few days that your account is limited. We know that. Spreaa already told us.

You think you wouldn't be mad if someone ignores you few days, then says that he will pay you. But if you just tell him one wrong thing. He'll say that he won't give you back your money. You'd be pissed.

You'll let Baamba die? That's something you shouldn't have said in thread... You proved something that all of us were waiting for.

You were creating threads few weeks, hell, few months ago. About spending like 5,000$ , acting like some rich man ... And now, you're telling us you can't refund these guys because your PayPal account is limited? Ever heard of Western Union? Ever heard of calling PayPal and telling them what happened? It worked for 99,000 eBay sellers who got their account limited.
brainst0rm, please don't act like Mathew Buer. Guy who scammed and acted like he never scammed. What does anyone have from your word? You were saying few days that your account is limited. We know that. Spreaa already told us.

You think you wouldn't be mad if someone ignores you few days, then says that he will pay you. But if you just tell him one wrong thing. He'll say that he won't give you back your money. You'd be pissed.

You'll let Baamba die? That's something you shouldn't have said in thread... You proved something that all of us were waiting for.

You were creating threads few weeks, hell, few months ago. About spending like 5,000$ , acting like some rich man ... And now, you're telling us you can't refund these guys because your PayPal account is limited? Ever heard of Western Union? Ever heard of calling PayPal and telling them what happened? It worked for 99,000 eBay sellers who got their account limited.

Its not about the money, i never refused to talk to him. Might've happened a couple of times that i am not on desk. I have called up paypal several times. Its not a metter of $9 or $9k, its a matter of understanding. I always calmed him down and explained the circumstances to him.

As I said, the time that i've put in is more important to me then those $90. I never refused to pay, i just said i will pay once i get the money back and thats whats going to happen.

I'm giving this 5 more days. Settle everything brainst0rm, in whatever means. After that if the money is not returned to him (them) or the domain(s) pushed back, you, your websites and any affiliated businesses with you will no longer be welcomed in WJunction.

I made myself clear. This is not to be against you or with you, this is to settle the main issue then work on the details later.
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