VPS BoxSlots.com - Unmetered 100Mbit/1Gbit/2Gbit VPS from £10.99/month (Netherlands)

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rk-boxslots, when tickets will be answered? when servers will start working? everything is down.

Again stop posting things that are not true, All tickets are being answered i have personally answered more than 500 today alone.

All VPS' servers are back on-line and all data restoration is in process.

If by the oddest chance at all your VPS wasn't put back online then open a ticket please.
lol I can't even login into the WHMCS (Client area) :))


sent a ticket.

Good luck guys. I know this is really an unforeseen tragedy.
Hello all , believe me guys we are working so hard to get all things back on track , so that we can just start over . So i kindly request all to atleast wait for today , so that we can set all things up properly .
what has happened has happened ... now give them time guys ... 1st of it was a totally unexpected thing that happend they must be in such a bad thing right now that you people can never even imagine ..

so if there is any problem then just create a ticket and wait for it if it's about the backup it's your fault that you didn't take it

i know it's hard on you but still working so much on a sunday sucks arse :/ trust me -.- and the best thing atleast they are not running away they are here to help us out so as a great man said "patience gives great fruits" ;)

I know you are bsy but please reply to my Ticket ID: 904729. :(


i have overlooked your ticket , can you please re-order the server and don't pay for it , so that i can make it ready asap.


what has happened has happened ... now give them time guys ... 1st of it was a totally unexpected thing that happend they must be in such a bad thing right now that you people can never even imagine ..

so if there is any problem then just create a ticket and wait for it if it's about the backup it's your fault that you didn't take it

i know it's hard on you but still working so much on a sunday sucks arse :/ trust me -.- and the best thing atleast they are not running away they are here to help us out so as a great man said "patience gives great fruits" ;)

Thanks vizoomer , i really obey your words , and really guys i promise all systems will be setuped shortly without any delay .
If people that are with them longer said they never experienced something like this before, I trust them. Truth is that BS' support is really great. So I'll stick up with them too. :)
i don't care what ever happen to you. lol it's only been 1 days with you guys i need my refund..

all i care is my refund. (not even 72hrs) fuck boxslots sux.

security of your host is your responsibility, so if you can't do that then fuck off.

Yup, totally, a security exploit in a highly used billing software is totally down to their security, glad to see you know how to read.
Stop posting ticket ID's we can see all tickets we only have so many hands and sets of eyes all ticktes are being replied to in the order they come in. Thanks for your patience.
Hey people out there... This is a Quality Host, just fucking wait till they fix the stuff. Why make fuss and give a small distraction to its fame?

Peace. Use only the support ticket people.

[mod]No using the N-Word[/mod]
My honest review of boxslots --- an awesome host , superb support (lol i cant believe i can nag bharat , pretty much whenever i want to or have the need of it ) , plus servers are fast --- no doubt about that ...

I hope people learn to backup at-least and no host gets struck with something as big as this one ...
BoxSlots is very trusted & as I said on my previous reply... A Quality Host. Trust it people, At guys like "Th3KiNG" dont bitch around kindly. You are simply making a fuss out of their problems. Dont you face any problem? If nope, you are great! Even I am waiting & so are the other customers. PATIENCE

Lets live in a better place where there is no criticism when someone is facing some difficulties. ;)
Yeah you gotta love the kiss asses, just cause i bet your shit is up your like OMG it's an awesome host. rofl people on here are funny.
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