VPS BoxSlots.com - Unmetered 100Mbit/1Gbit/2Gbit VPS from £10.99/month (Netherlands)

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At this point it is not really about back up. Unless you have an automated script to setup all your tools and OS options, it is a pretty time consuming task. I would hate to have to do it a 3rd time.
Change your Host Now. This is not gonna stop.If you want your site traffic to be safe..then go ahead and get a new host,before you will loose your unique visitors.Remember on offshore it happens but if it started happening on everyday basis then leave the host right away.

I am glad that i took a backup on a dangerous time. I downloaded it on 4AM and 6AM everything got vanished....and still i didn't get any mail.. Cpanel is still unaccessible for like 3 days..3

Great BoxSlots - You did a very nice job here..
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Okay a Host got some problem and lost all the data on servers.

But it is your Data man.. you have to take care of it.. why don't u take backups ?

I was with rapidspeeds and they also ran away.. But I had my full site backup in my PC, Fileserve, Filesonic, Megaupload, Remote FTP... so it's my responsibility to keep my backups 100% Secure.. you should do so now too..

@proxy - Are you Mad ? You had 2 year old site and never took it's backup ? what do u call urself now ? when u are writing something on a paper for 2 years and working hard on writing every word u should have it's photocopies because the original paper can be damaged, can go to water, can get burned.. don't trust the paper.. have photocopies :D

well i hoppe my site was not lost, in any case i need somebody teach me to do backups.
By the way website of WHMCS (the billing system box slots use) http://www.whmcs.com/ is down too. Coincidence?

If I were Boxslots I'd probably stop using this system or at least disable its features that could be potentially exploited to directly compromise customer's VPS services.
From the ChatBox
The www.whmcs.com site is down, I'm guessing they got compromised too. If that's the case I don't think Boxslots should be blamed, BUT Boxslots should still reimburse, refund, or take other similar measures. In short, take care of their clients and empathize for their inconvenience. Like they have been for the last few days.
I will move again, I am asking for refund. I already lost a week's ad revenue, I dont want to lose any more.

How much time it will take to get the money back?
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