Best country to live in?

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Which is the best country to live in?

I say Germany because of it's economy and other factors that makes it a great country to live in.


14 years of NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

The result is more than 6000 (2700+ kids) killed and more than 12000 injured.

My question to To0 and other Americans: What we did to you, so you needed to take this action?

Thanks to USA for the nuclear bombs!You bloody bastards!
At least your country deserve one from North Korea....
Yup, they used cluster bombs, which are prohibited.. And they attacked us without the approve of UN. So i can say that was terrorist attack on my country by NATO and USA.
I have something to say to US but I guess it will only light up more fire than peace. On second thought, I won't say it for now.

Why can't the world ban the use or nuclear weapons? Why can't the world just ban the manufacturing of nuclear weapons? No manufacturing, no dirty war, no innocent kids being born with defects.
I don't get one point. Suppose a country which is good, govt is good, people are good and they really don't want to hurt innocent people, then why in the maker's world they would produce such devastating nuclear weapons. Why not just use or research nuclear technology for the benefits of the people instead of wasting on devastating weapons which would do no good in humanity.

Things can only change if we as humans want to change. If we don't want, things will never change and more and more nuclear weapons will be made and I wonder one day will come when the only people left in this world would be the one with defects due to the nuclear disaster. World would then be called as 'World of Defects'. :facepalm:
I agree it is a scary place - the world we live in, with so many Nuclear bombs almost everywhere now. It's only a matter of time before the wrong person gets their hand on one of these and sets it off and kills a few million people.

This planet, this earth is a ticking time bomb unfortunately. We are at a point of no return now.
I agree it is a scary place - the world we live in, with so many Nuclear bombs almost everywhere now. It's only a matter of time before the wrong person gets their hand on one of these and sets it off and kills a few million people.

This planet, this earth is a ticking time bomb unfortunately. We are at a point of no return now.

I guess you are right that we can't go back now. I just wish I don't live to see such a world or I wish that it doesn't get in bad hands.

unfortunately the Nuclear bomb are already in bad hands now. NK,USA, GB,FR .... if each of these nations are threatened they will throw human morality + every single worldwide treaty out of the window and nuke one another and the world. Judging by the past i say USA is the one we have to look out for since they have shown they wouldnt hesitate to use Nuclear bomb on another nation and kill a few millions for their own agenda.

Nuclear bombs in essence shouldnt exist.

BTW Best country to live in right now is Austria for me. Im a sucker of amazing and mind buggling fantasy like mix of Mountain + nature and Austria's sceneries blow my mind off .
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There is no general best country to live in, it depends on each person.

Your geographic preference(for example do you prefer snow over beaches,mountains over flat land etc.) As well as income source and income amount. Plays an important factor on what is the best country for you at the current time.

You also can't go by the economy of a country, for example if I decide to move to Germany, I would pay 25% income tax as a day trader in order to live in a "strong economy". But if I go to a "weak economy" such as Bulgaria, I would pay 0% income tax as long as its a EU or EEA exchange.
Let us not forget about the United States of America....


Can't anyone with a ton of money have something like that built in any country with similar geographic features?

EDIT I was referring to the france video, It wasn't really showing off something that is totally unique to france.

im still not used to how WJ works.
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