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Active Member
Hey, I was running apache2 (came pre-installed) on my Ubuntu server VPS (lucid, 10.04). It was running fine yesterday and today it has randomly stopped working. I've restarted the service a few times but it still doesn't work.

Anyone able to help?

ye.... what does the error say?

check if you are running something else on post 80. maybe if you installed some cache for apache or if you installed lighttpd or some other http server which now blocks the port.

or maybe it's just an error in your httpd.conf

but without the error, it's hard to help.
* Restarting web server apach
WARNING: MaxClients (10) must
as ThreadsPerChild (25). Auto
increasing MaxClients to 25.
... waiting WARNING: MaxClien
as ThreadsPerChild (25). Auto
increasing MaxClients to 25.

Thats what it says when I restart apache2.

Installed webmin and it doesn't work either.

And -
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
pd: No such file or directory
that's weird. and you copyed the whole error ? :S

try to check the error.log as well... maybe some more luck there.

have you edited the httpd.conf file?

if it doesn't hurts, then try to uninstall and reinstall it.

because as default it should be configured ok.

which linux do you use?
hmm... no idea where webmin puts it. :S

i have googled... and found this: /var/log/httpd/error_log

but i'm not sure if it's there... because i use lighttpd myself.
ye you could try it... maybe you won't get an error there... just a note... if you will install lighttpd... then you must uninstall apache (httpd) first! else it will block the http default post 80... so it won't work. ;)
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