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CloudFlare DNS settings

Glad you found them:)

Other folks that want to look at DNS settings on CloudFlare can go to:

Settings->DNS settings for that domain
Most of the people are not compatible with cloudflare, for them it's hard to setup a site smoothly. They are messed up with cloudflare dashboard settings.
Hi shakhawat,

Any site where you can change the DNS to point to CloudFlare can use CloudFlare. CloudFlare dashboard settings don't have anything to do with it?
Ok, I made a tiny evidence that claudflare DNS sucks big time.

I have been a member of the following sites for over a year and since they switched to claudflare their visits went down:




these are just 3 sites and i have been experiencing lots of downtime with other sites that uses claudflare. So if you have a warez site that you always want to be updated, do not use claudflare, use a good host instead.
You guys have to change the security settings to low as it will block a lot of visitors because they aren't "safe"

So you are saying that a simple residential ISP is being blocked by ClaudFlare? LOL that makes them worst than I expected.
Are you watching your site with alexa to spot downtimes? LOL? I'm using pingdom premium and I'm checking it every 1 minute from 31 locations and I don't have any errors. See:

I haven't had any DNS errors with cloudflare at all.

Warez is not good to use with cloudflare, because it may block some infected users and users from the botnets (LOL, this is warez, just imagine how many infected files are here). As bxflow said to disable that issue you have to set security to low.

If you don't know how to use cloudflare, don't use it, but if you use it with care things will go just better.
if you have no clue how to adjust cloudflare to make work for you and use alexa for that reason, you have no right to post anything negative about them.
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Im not a site owner. im a uploader. like what i said i have been uploading for mroe than a year and in my experience, warez sites' downtimes were greater using claudflare than those who do not use them. no need to call me newb
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