Filesonic Mega News - Everybody Must Read Now + 50 Free Premium Give Aways Here!

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- Why do you like FileSonic?
I like FileSonic for many reasons:
1. Unbeatable rates for downloads & premium sales.
2. Their support team is friendly & helpful.
3. FTP upload speed is pretty fast.

- What can we do to improve our services?
Keep adding new plans and special offers for affiliates ;d

- Why did you choose FileSonic?
Actually It wasn't me who choose FileSonic in the beginning, I'm posting in AvaxHome and one of their rules is to provide RS\MU\FSonic mirror so I chose to go with filesonic as they're offering the best rates.

- Would you refer users to FileSonic?
Of course I would If I had the chance.

Edit: OMG I have been waiting to post the 100th reply but no luck lol xD
who won the premium ?
Does that really matter? We are here to help FileSonic improving their service, so that we can benefit from it.

@Vertigo and other users with the same ideas:

Why do you want the files to be displayed in FTP? Imagine, you change the RDP but forget your password in there. The user can simply delete all the files in there.
As FileSonic has a good FileManager, the displaying of files in FTP isn't necessary, don't you think?

@NileshRanjan not to sure as the 100th post did not follow the rules so I guess the 101th post one which was me ?

  • Why do you like FileSonic?
High rate, 17dls = 0.3$ = 70dls HF cooper >"<
Friendly staffs
Very fast FTP

  • What can we do to improve our services?
Work with IDM, include free download. Nobody want download by Browsers
Sometime it's have some bugs. Yesterday, I've upload by FTP (completed on CuteFTP), i've been waiting for that file about 2hours, it's not appear. => Go to sleep. I've see it today.

  • Why did you choose FileSonic?
High rate, 17dls = 0.3$ = 70dls HF cooper >"<
Friendly staffs
Very fast FTP
I think FSonic will grow up like wind...

  • Would you refer users to FileSonic?

  • Yes, If work with IDM. Users can select all the FSN link, then click download with IDM, easiest and fastest way to get the files.

You can still use JDownloader, which fits perfectly with FileSonic. Haven't had any problems downloading from FileSonic. As a free user, you need to type in the Captcha, that's all.

Filesonic contest

o What can we do to improve our services?
maybe increase a little the maximum filesize to download for free users
if you do, i will love filesonic and i will use a lot
Increase the secury if someone hacks my account i'll feel secure.
Move spain to group B like other hosts because 60% of my users are spanishh
Hi Sik,

This means he already replied to the questions... He cant reply everytime!!

He has the right to do it..


Sik, If I wanna win this contest, i wont ever replied in such that way.....

You can see, I had replied....who won the century.... or just ask Hish about my reply.

By the way, I am am too much concentrated in uploading rather than winning this contest.....
Wish you a very good luck for next segment of the contest... And dont afraid, I wont be there for contest......

Join FileSonic.....Join the leaders!!!

me gusta filesonic por que sus descargas son rapidas
y no se interrumpen y en mi pais es al mas alto kb/s a comparacion de las otras paginas
My Feedback:

• Why do you like FileSonic?

I especially like FileSonic because it offers better service than other FileHosts out here. Above all, I really like the Affiliate Program, which offers you much more than other FileHosts and therefore makes Filesonic unique at the same time. Additionally, I like the site, which is also very important for a FileHost-Company. I never had any problems until now, which makes me, of course, really happy.
I really love the support you guys give, not only via your website, but here in WJunction, for instance. If someone has any issue, you guys try to solve it as soon as possible, which makes a user happy and satisfied.
Not to forget is the new Advanced Statistics which are the most beautiful ones I have ever seen among FileHost-Companys. You have all the details well-structured in one page, which I personally adore.

• What can we do to improve our services?

I would really enjoy if Filesonic could increase the maximal download file size for Free users. 400MB isn’t that high, if you want to upload Single Links, e.g.
By increasing that, there will be no reason for other uploaders to upload Single Links to other FileHosts, as your affiliate program really fits with Single Links.
Another thing that I would like to see improved is the speed of the links being displayed in the File Manager. I don’t know why, but comparing it with other Filehosts, Filesonic still needs a bit to display a new link uploaded via FTP, e.g.
This isn’t a big problem, but sometimes seconds matter when spreading stuff, so this would be a thing you guys could change.
Another thing you can improve, is to give a special FTP Password. In this way, if someone hacks your FTP-Data, he can't even delete files by logging in the Website, as they aren't display in FTP, which is really save!

• Why did you choose FileSonic?

I mostly choose FileSonic because of its Affiliate Program. It offers really good money in comparison with other FileHosts. I thought: “Why don’t you give it a try?†It was, in fact, a good decision I’ve made. I came up choosing FileSonic because of its beautiful and structured Website. For a newcomer, this is something that does matter! I do not regret having chosen FileSonic!

• Would you refer users to FileSonic?

Since I did not face any issues with FileSonic yet and as it offers a good service, I would highly refer other users to FileSonic. Good FileHosts must get well-known and therefore bigger, so that we as users profit from new Affiliate Programs.

Kind Regards,

Congratulations on the premium account :D

Best Regards

  • Why do you like FileSonic?
I Enjoy the great ftp upload speed
especially u have Eu Server & US Server
This is great

  • What can we do to improve our services?
Think We all will say the same thing
it is the 400 mb limit for free users
U Can make it 1 gb
I think this is fine

  • Why did you choose FileSonic?
Pays all countries
good download speed for free users
great promos every now & then

  • Would you refer users to FileSonic?
I think I will do
- Why do you like FileSonic?
I like FileSonic for many reasons:
1. Unbeatable rates for downloads & premium sales.
2. las descargas son rapidas.
3. no se interumpen

- What can we do to improve our services?
Keep adding new plans and special offers for affiliates

- Why did you choose FileSonic?
Actually It wasn't me who choose FileSonic in the beginning, I'm posting in AvaxHome and one of their rules is to provide Rapid\MegaU\FileSonic mirror so I chose to go with filesonic as they're offering the best rates.

- Would you refer users to FileSonic?
Of course I would If I had the chance.

Why do you like FileSonic?

me gusta por que sus descargas son rapidas y si uso el jdownloader
son a la maxima velocidad a comparacion de los demas servidores

What can we do to improve our services?

ofrecer mayor capacidad de carga de archivos y al vez de descarga

Why did you choose FileSonic?

lo escogi por que la mayoria de los uploaders lo prefieren y
los archivos se encuentran en filesonic tambien por que
es un servidor que no tiene problemas a la hora de carga y descarga de archivos de tamaños grandes

Would you refer users to FileSonic?

por supusto que mandaria usuarios a filesonic y es mas ya todos mis amigos conocen y saben de filesonic
Want to win!

Why do you like FileSonic?
- FileSonic is the best internet hosting and downloading service because it's the most popular and give me high speed to download large files
What can we do to improve our services?
- You can allow more downloads per user
Suggestions etc maybe considered and we may take 24 - 48+ hours to reply to each suggestion.
Why did you choose FileSonic?
- Because its so popular and its very fast!
Would you refer users to FileSonic?
- Yes off course
I have a suggestion in my mind don't know if anyone else suggested it before.

Can you add an option which sorts files by upload date if possible? It would be easier for uploaders to get their latest uploaded links in this way.

@hatem, try this in filemanager


i previously requested hish regarding this and since then, my filemanager always shows the last uploaded file at top. i never had to select it again manually. dont knw if its just me
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