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still i dont know anything about there skrill payout, as they had problem before.
better you can create ticket, so rory update you exactly about the situation.

Xerver already paid for exchanger, waiting for exchanger to fund their skrill account, hope you receive in few hours, may be that take little more time, as exchanger from other timezone, but you will receive within today.

Thanks for answer.
what's going on ??


Working NOW
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10+ hours later & no reply back about my ticket on either of my e-mails.

I don't ask for something marginal, I obviously require explanation as to why I was banned and for it to be lifted so I can continue working.

But this attitude only means that Xerver does not care about my work.

Well, there are easy things for me to do to cut all the ties. I'll start and be rather loud about it.

It was an experience alright doing business with you, Xerver. All will be detailed for public knowledge.


Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
10+ hours later & no reply back about my ticket on either of my e-mails.

I don't ask for something marginal, I obviously require explanation as to why I was banned and for it to be lifted so I can continue working.

But this attitude only means that Xerver does not care about my work.

Well, there are easy things for me to do to cut all the ties. I'll start and be rather loud about it.

It was an experience alright doing business with you, Xerver. All will be detailed for public knowledge.


lolz, i asked rory about that after your first reply here.
xerver support already replied yours, i think 10 hours back..

i dont know about detail, but they replied before.

may be you dont know how to view ticket replies..? please post it here.
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Post what where? I haven't gotten any indication as if anything has been replied. Already noted it in my last post.

And ban is still there which makes any answer they might've made effectively moot. (As I did not do anything wrong.)




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On the 15th I wrote here...

Edit: Also btw, overnight ~12GB of my content just disappeared. What's up with that? More over I've gotten e-mail about deletions yesterday (15th) but whole yesterday my site was already suspended so it couldn't have been DCMA. I require explanation as to why those files were removed. They weren't zero-downloads files, either.

Does this seem like a "message" asking the management about why my files are being deleted? Well, for me it does.

But I'm presently banned for essentially lying and badmouthing because (1) I dared to repeat this on the few pages down the line in a not so polite tone ...
(2) They apparently were unable to observe the forum to see that I indeed had asked about it (by their lights, I haven't).

Nice going.
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Are you their designated spokesperson or what?

It's amazing how you seemingly have a hand in every pie there is.

Anyway, "thing is" we've moved on about me saying that they didn't reply my ticket, it's evident now that they did. Though it's surprising that writing a ticket does not result in automatic confirmation with ticket # to my e-mail.
I had to find out ticket # from you, instead. (An outside person knows more about my business, apparently, than I do.)

What I'm saying now is that I'm being accused groundlessly. And at least two hours have passed and no reply yet to my response.
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