Xerver.co - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

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Even though this file deletion started yesterday for me too at least for now seem to be files that have been inactive(no downloads) for sometime,maybe 45 days? and even though i haven't gotten an answer yet as to why exactly the files are been deleted, that is what it looks to me, deletion of inactive files, since i never learned how long Xerver it's supposed to keep inactive files before deletion at least for now if a file that hasn't been touch in 6 weeks it's deleted it doesn't bother me too much, as long as what i think it's the reason for the deletion and not some last minute changes in their TOS.
Some people use webmoney receive payments?

Some people do, I don't.

Webmoney seems to work well for those who are not American (as the US blocks Webmoney) and for those who don't earn much.

I looked into it briefly, I think if you want to send/receive more than like $100 a month then you need to provide a passport to Webmoney for ID, at which the limit is like $1000 a month. <- These limits are just a guess off the top of my head, I'm sure they're wrong but the limits are something like that.

Then, once you've received the Webmoney payment you have to them pay a 3rd party individual a percentage to convert it to something usable such as PayPal. From what I hear, most of these 3rd party converters are sketchy and are nothing more than some local person who provided enough identification documentation to Webmoney to be able to perform these transactions for Webmoney users.

I really don't know much about Webmoney other than the simple fact that it is 100% a total waste of time for Americans to consider...

My suggestion is if you are a half way decent affiliate then to just stick to bank wires, and if your a noob to patiently use PayPal (if its available as a payout option to affiliates).

Added after 2 minutes:

Even though this file deletion started yesterday for me too at least for now seem to be files that have been inactive(no downloads) for sometime,maybe 45 days? and even though i haven't gotten an answer yet as to why exactly the files are been deleted, that is what it looks to me, deletion of inactive files, since i never learned how long Xerver it's supposed to keep inactive files before deletion at least for now if a file that hasn't been touch in 6 weeks it's deleted it doesn't bother me too much, as long as what i think it's the reason for the deletion and not some last minute changes in their TOS.

I don't see any documented retention policy on their TOS or Affiliates pages. They're most likely too new of a file host to make that determination at this point in time.

45 day retention is pretty average AFAIK for file hosts. You have to consider how many neophytes upload terabytes of data to a file host and never even post the DDL links anywhere, and this costs the file hosts a tremendous amount of money to have to combat....
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Rory, you and your host are awful ...So dear users don't waste your time with this host because I was in pending since 9 august with 10 euros and 13 euro on balance, and I work very much, and I recieved 10 times a day emails that he cancel my files in order that I have less than a month since I started working with this host. And I send him an email because I was angry he just cancel the files all day 10 times a day and I have mailbox full of his mails. And he banned me without pay me the money that I worked for .:thumbdown:Your account was banned by administrator. Account confirmed
Even though this file deletion started yesterday for me too at least for now seem to be files that have been inactive(no downloads) for sometime,maybe 45 days? and even though i haven't gotten an answer yet as to why exactly the files are been deleted, that is what it looks to me, deletion of inactive files, since i never learned how long Xerver it's supposed to keep inactive files before deletion at least for now if a file that hasn't been touch in 6 weeks it's deleted it doesn't bother me too much, as long as what i think it's the reason for the deletion and not some last minute changes in their TOS.

Not inactive files for me unless it kicks in after two weeks or so.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Some people do, I don't.

Webmoney seems to work well for those who are not American (as the US blocks Webmoney) and for those who don't earn much.

I looked into it briefly, I think if you want to send/receive more than like $100 a month then you need to provide a passport to Webmoney for ID, at which the limit is like $1000 a month. <- These limits are just a guess off the top of my head, I'm sure they're wrong but the limits are something like that.

Then, once you've received the Webmoney payment you have to them pay a 3rd party individual a percentage to convert it to something usable such as PayPal. From what I hear, most of these 3rd party converters are sketchy and are nothing more than some local person who provided enough identification documentation to Webmoney to be able to perform these transactions for Webmoney users.

I really don't know much about Webmoney other than the simple fact that it is 100% a total waste of time for Americans to consider...

My suggestion is if you are a half way decent affiliate then to just stick to bank wires, and if your a noob to patiently use PayPal (if its available as a payout option to affiliates).

Added after 2 minutes:

Even though this file deletion started yesterday for me too at least for now seem to be files that have been inactive(no downloads) for sometime,maybe 45 days? and even though i haven't gotten an answer yet as to why exactly the files are been deleted, that is what it looks to me, deletion of inactive files, since i never learned how long Xerver it's supposed to keep inactive files before deletion at least for now if a file that hasn't been touch in 6 weeks it's deleted it doesn't bother me too much, as long as what i think it's the reason for the deletion and not some last minute changes in their TOS.

I don't see any documented retention policy on their TOS or Affiliates pages. They're most likely too new of a file host to make that determination at this point in time.

45 day retention is pretty average AFAIK for file hosts. You have to consider how many neophytes upload terabytes of data to a file host and never even post the DDL links anywhere, and this costs the file hosts a tremendous amount of money to have to combat....

Well, i guess that i agree with both your points including Webmoney, but the problem is that more and more hosts are choosing to use it as a method of payment and some of the bigger ones like Uploaded and Freakshare have adopted it as their only payment method, (uploaded also offers Amazon cards), and disgracefully as Americans our choices continue to shrink day by day.
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Well, i guess that i agree with both your points including Webmoney, but the problem is that more and more hosts are choosing to use it as a method of payment and some of the bigger ones like Uploaded and Freakshare have adopted it as their only payment method, (uploaded also offers Amazon cards), and disgracefully as Americans our choices continue to shrink day by day.

RapidGator as well as far as I know only does webmoney....

On the flip side I don't know any file host that doesn't do bank wires, which are far cheaper as well (compare $20 per bank wire with 5% or 10% or whatever it is that paypal gouges you on).

Xerver does seem to offer a nice selection of payout methods of which I plan on selecting from very soon to test out on a first hand basis their turn around time in regards to paying their affiliates :)
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In regards to file hosting in general this is what my experience has finally led me to believe:

Conservative DMCA file deletions = More stable payment processor status
Liberal DMCA file deletions = Less stable payment processor status

In my opinion, the best file hosts are the ones that situate themselves in more of a "moderate" position between the two.

Just my two cents....

I can't see any logic connections between deletions and payments. The less files you host, the less you earn, the less you are able to pay to users who -being unsatisfied- will be automatically pushed to change host. Plus: if you delete files (above all the legal ones) that other hosts have no problems to keep, you're not competitive and you won't resist for a long time in biz. Every year new host-sites rise and quickly die even without a bad reputation caused by deletions and bad reputations run very fast in the internet. So where's the good side of Xerver commercial strategy?
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OK, smartboy Thank you very much, because my errors caused by misunderstanding
I have solved the problem of users can not download, thank you
I apologize for my emotions Xerver
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you set anything like ticking "premium only" ? ,because that happen because of ticking that "premium only" by uploader.


Update about webmoney payments ::
As a messgae from rory, that most webmoney payouts are sent (as paid total of 29 % fees - bank transfer, exchanger, paygate fees and other), so they received less in their account (as this is their first webmoney payment processing), resulting in scare of wme in their purse.

So others will recive soon, as they already started funding their account, they also started analysing the easy to fund their webmoney account, so its wont happen in next time.

About file deletion issue ::
they just created a team to analayse the issue, so they will fix the issue soon.
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you set anything like ticking "premium only" ? ,because that happen because of ticking that "premium only" by uploader.


Update about webmoney payments ::
As a messgae from rory, that most webmoney payouts are sent (as paid total of 29 % fees - bank transfer, exchanger, paygate fees and other), so they received less in their account (as this is their first webmoney payment processing), resulting in scare of wme in their purse.

So others will recive soon, as they already started funding their account, they also started analysing the easy to fund their webmoney account, so its wont happen in next time.

About file deletion issue ::
they just created a team to analayse the issue, so they will fix the issue soon.

If more than 23 WebMoney still no payment, I will miss my application Sept. 1 payment ....:facepalm:
he is busy in planning to increase USA/Europe sales, and lot of other things, exactly dont know why he is not here.
Also these fileOM merge story really slowed down their whole priority changes and features, now they started that queue too.

So for issues, please create ticket, so they respond as soon as possible.

Dont worry they're trying their best for finishing, already they paid most, so mostly you paid within 23, also this is their first time in processing webmoney, so they're still learning things in webmoney.
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