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i didnt got the 110% sales benefit which was going in WU till 31st august '11
kindly see to it mate.


see this image.
i took this screenshot, before 31st aug.
the last column is of promo balance.
that column didnt have promo balance of the sale made on 26th aug (u can see that clearly)
now again, another sale was made on 29th aug, which is definitely before 31st august, nd i didnt got its promo balance added in the promo balance column too!
on 29th aug, the column showing promo balance, got disappeared!
also, i never got any promo earned money added to my unpaid amount, excluding the promo's of 26th and 29th august, which never got showed only!

so according to me and the offer which was going in WU till 31th aug, following unpaid money has to be added to my WU Premium:
1.) 7.5$ >> the remainig 30% of sale made on 18th aug
2.) 10.5$ >> the remaining 30% of sale made on 23rd aug
3.) 2.7$ >> the remaining 30% of sale made on 26th aug
4.) 16.5$ >> the remaining 30% of sale made on 29th aug

so intotal, the unpaid amount from 38.5$ USD (current unpaid amount) should be increased to 75.7$ USD (after adding the 30% amount of all sales made between 18-31 august)

isnt this correct?
see to it.
now, why WU just paid me 30.8$ USD, when the unpaid amount was 69.3$ USD ??

hoping to get a proper answer!
I know I've had you do one before, but if you could get me a traceroot to from your dedicated server to Wupload, that would be a great asset in pinpointing the issue!

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms [208.43.1
3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms [173.192.1
4 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms []
5 * 119 ms 128 ms
6 133 ms 132 ms 134 ms []
7 127 ms 128 ms 128 ms
8 93 ms 93 ms 94 ms
9 126 ms 128 ms 128 ms
10 132 ms 130 ms 131 ms
11 131 ms 131 ms 132 ms []

Here's the tracert from Washington DC
ftp speeds are down again to 0.20mb/s..... til yesterday was getting ftp upload speed of 16-17mb/s from US sBorg.....

now it's back to the usual crap speed..... :( :facepalm:
same problem for me.I sent a private message to Willy.

Same problem for me , i do not see the bonus from 24 till 31 August

please help me , i sent you PM with my ID



Problem Fixed , just that we can not request them now , stay this problem , Thank you so much Willy

You are the best !!!
Last edited:
@pipels Look at the days of the promo in which you have sales (You must have been on PPS plan then) - in the last column is your promo earnings .Click the blue promo earning link (it`s enough to click only one)and after this click request - enter your e-mail and password and that`s it .
Same problem here Willy, I can only see the promo link till 2011-08-23. I'll just pm you my ID.


Hey, all!

We're aware that the promo only showed up until the 23rd!

We're getting it fixed up right now so you can see your earnings from the entire promo period and request your earnings!!


Hi Willy.When i remote cramit links.It's error.

User/Pass Invalid or plugin for that site temporarily unavailable"

PM me your account ID and a few of the links you've been having issues with, akrep!

i didnt got the 110% sales benefit which was going in WU till 31st august '11
kindly see to it mate.


see this image.
i took this screenshot, before 31st aug.
the last column is of promo balance.
that column didnt have promo balance of the sale made on 26th aug (u can see that clearly)
now again, another sale was made on 29th aug, which is definitely before 31st august, nd i didnt got its promo balance added in the promo balance column too!
on 29th aug, the column showing promo balance, got disappeared!
also, i never got any promo earned money added to my unpaid amount, excluding the promo's of 26th and 29th august, which never got showed only!

so according to me and the offer which was going in WU till 31th aug, following unpaid money has to be added to my WU Premium:
1.) 7.5$ >> the remainig 30% of sale made on 18th aug
2.) 10.5$ >> the remaining 30% of sale made on 23rd aug
3.) 2.7$ >> the remaining 30% of sale made on 26th aug
4.) 16.5$ >> the remaining 30% of sale made on 29th aug

so intotal, the unpaid amount from 38.5$ USD (current unpaid amount) should be increased to 75.7$ USD (after adding the 30% amount of all sales made between 18-31 august)

isnt this correct?
see to it.
now, why WU just paid me 30.8$ USD, when the unpaid amount was 69.3$ USD ??

hoping to get a proper answer!

We've added the remaining promo earnings to everybody's stats who qualified for the bonus.

If you had already requested the promo - you don't have to request the updated links - they'll be added directly into your unpaid balance.

Otherwise, request away!

faisalasif you are not the only one.

Willy there has been progress with the promo showing but it's not complete yet I must say.

And people, when you RU from a host to another, the host sending the files must be up for the job, if you know what I mean.
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