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You and your brother can both have an account - we're big on family ;) - but if you're going to be accessing from the same IP, he cannot be your referral!


thanks for your answer , ok then big family it is , ill bring some other ppl who used to be with me in file serve i do trust WU and they will do :)
i use to upload 400mb in less then an hour now it takes me 1-2 hours. So Sad and depressing.... use to earn $1+ per day now 50c max. so sad :( also people complaining about downloads not starting from my links :( WAHAHHAHAHA :=(
hi W.

just for info -report also there was a (small :) ) delay in PPal also yesterday but everything ok finally-received!! usually they confirm 1,5 hr earlier compared to yesterday.....
Are you going to improve the consistency of FTP upload? I am using USA RDP and sometimes I got really nice consistent 1.5MB/s while some other time I got 100KB/s and less before it stopped and give me the fail error message... It is really hard sometimes to get files uploaded to Wupload server. :(

Is it the link checker thats not working? According to that, all the links I've just PM'd you ain't working, but when I download them direct from my folder they do work...
how can i change security question if i forgot the answer

Hey, jawanda!

Please PM me!


willy can you see me? where is my payment :(

Please PM me your account ID, netpsirus!


progress bar in web upload doesn't work

Hey, bouzer!

Sometimes it works perfectly, but other times, you have to look at the bottom of your browser window to see the progress.

We're going to get this fixed up!


Added after 11 minutes:

Ru is not working fileserve > Wupload. Willy plz Fix it.

Hey, sarwankhan!

Are you getting errors or are they In Queue?


how to change secirity question? i frgt the answers.!?

PM me, madboy!


Are you going to improve the consistency of FTP upload? I am using USA RDP and sometimes I got really nice consistent 1.5MB/s while some other time I got 100KB/s and less before it stopped and give me the fail error message... It is really hard sometimes to get files uploaded to Wupload server. :(

Hey, rey!

We absolutely are - we've been doing maintenance on the FTP servers for EXACTLY that reason!

Thanks for your patience!

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