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I found a bookmarklet that will check all checkboxes for you. Theres also a working userscript you can find for any browser that supports userjs(although i couldnt get userscript to work,bookmarklet did.) Anyone can p.m for the page where i found bookmarklet at if you want it
It's been over a month that nothing has been done with horrible uploading speeds. More than 200 pages, of complaints, and still nothing. Is there any ETA, when will this issues finally be resolved?
It's been over a month that nothing has been done with horrible uploading speeds. More than 200 pages, of complaints, and still nothing. Is there any ETA, when will this issues finally be resolved?

Hey, cvrle!

My apologies for the length of time that we've been dealing with these issues, but they are complex and not as simple as flicking a switch. We have had our work cut out for us but we are making great progress and are looking at rolling out the new infrastructure soon which will smooth out the upload issues as well as download speeds.

I don't have an ETA, but, loyal affiliates patience will be rewarded, as we will be rolling out some exciting new features and promos once things are running smoothly!

Major reason why I am asking, is because of threads like this:


And this:

Major reason why I am asking, is because of threads like this:


And this:


While the banner is untrue and seems to be more a reaction to the number of Wupload links spreading around the net, it's flattering that somebody took the time to make it ;)

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