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ftp upload error, no spce left, please check and fix it.thx

Hey, pitsuck!

Yes, we are still dealing with FTP issues. Apologies for any frustrations this has been causing.

We are working on a solution on our end but it will require some patience!


some requests:
1. remote upload: please add reupload button when Error 404
2. my files: can u add a show filename option?
3. my files: 0MB, 0 Downloads, 0 Sales......can u make it to one row
0MB, 0 Downloads, 0 Sales

is very hard to manage

we want "1.rar 0MB, 0 Downloads, 0 Sales"

Hey, vipking!

1) This is something we have already have been suggested and we should be implementing it!

2) To generate a link with a filename you need to select the files which you want to share and click the "Share" button (above the link box) and it will give you the option to generate with filename, as well as forum codes!

3) We'll take this into consideration!

Thanks for your input!


RU still doesn't work :'(

Hey, sharp!

RU is working fine! FTP is still facing issues, however.


I hope that FTP will be fixed soon.

I think that if WU will delete RU, everything will be works fine again.

Thanks for your input, Hidekii!

If we were to remove RU, we would also be removing a large portion of our affiliates!


Can Wupload add for payments. I've seen others request this. They are cheaper than alertpay and they don't take forever to pay funds out to card.

Also a lot of large companies i deal with use them, including some alexa top 50 websites.

Thanks for the suggestion, fuckedoff!

I'll take a look into it and we'll consider it!

very good traffic :)
When send payments ?

Hey, Tryme!

Payments will be happening in a few hours!


Yep, just checked in to make sure its not just me...

No FTP, and no web upload....

Hey, Northern!

We are still facing FTP issues, and I apologize for that, but web upload is working!


451 Transfer aborted. Input/output error
451 Transfer aborted. Input/output error
451 Transfer aborted. Input/output error

So banning RU will allow me to upload via ftp?

Then ban RU :-) Purely from selfish reasons you understand lol

Hey, Northern and everybody else!

While this has been an entertaining and heated discussion ;), we won't be banning RU.

Can you promote Israel to Country C? Many israelis use Shareflare and Wupload and mostly shareflare because better rates for Israel, but people prefer downloading from Wupload.
Reply me with an answer,
Thanks in advanced,

hi willy,

i suggest Malaysia to Country C also. is it possible? WU running fine in Malaysia. Thanks
Hey Willy !

I wish you can take this request in the consideration, I wish you block RU from WU to WU, many customers asked for that, please do not ignore this request, and let us look to this thing with opened eyes, RU from other file hosts has an advantage to the users, for example they can RU their files from their account in these file hosts to their account in WU, but what is the benefit for them from RU from WU to WU? the answer is this benefit is for spammers only, so Willy please why do you give the spammers this advantage?

at least make a percentage earning for original uploaders.

really I hope from you to consider this thing.



Thanks for the suggestion, eman! Wupload to Wupload is currently not enabled while we work through some of the technical issues.

We will be reconsidering our decision on this in the future!


Willy ! Can you move Spain to group B, like Fileserve do?

Thank you.

Hey, vAiLan!

We've pushed the PPD grid as far as we can! We still pay higher for group C countries than most other filehosts!


i hope that one day wupload instead of money will pay users with marijuana :D

This comment was sponsored by marijuana use :))


Is there any problem with Wupload login or my account got hacekd? Cant login and it says it dont have a user with that email :(

Hey, special!

Glad we were able to fix this for you via ICQ!


^_^ Amico, ti sei fatto troppe canne oggi... Mi dai il numero del tuo pusher??? Ha roba davvero buona!!!


^_^ My friend, too many joints today for you... Could you please provide your pusher's phone number??? He's got some good stuff to sell!!!


Added after 5 minutes:

This time I'll be more serious...

Willy, could you please implement these two features:

1) Search: a checkbox to search the whole folders or only current one (and please, make the textbox larger)

2) Remote upload: sometimes RUs fails and they should be restarted. My idea is to have a button to remove all the SUCCESSFUL remote uploads and one to select all and retry them. This would be VERY useful.

About the WU-WU remote uploading: I agree with eman80... They should be disabled in favour of REAL uploaders (and not spammers mirror-men). Please Willy, take it in consideration!

Best regards!


Hey, AtZ!

1) When you search from Root Folder, it will search ALL folders. When you search IN a folder, it only searches IN that folder!

2) We will be making some changes to the Remote Upload page to better facilitate some of these suggestions!

As always, thanks for the input and suggestions! :)

@willy can you explain to me if there is md5 or not and how it works? because some file i made a copy was reported... for some ofthe files reported you deleted the original and the copy... for the others only the original... if it was md5 the files always will be deleted both... what is it?

why are you ignoring me? -.-
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