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I am very very sad for wupload :(:(:(

I am going to have to use xxxx ... the best one after WU, doesn't steal downloads like fileserve and filejungle and has paid me 3 times.... ^o)

It's like the 20th time I have seen that very same message in this thread! :facepalm:

At least change the text a bit so it doesn't look you are spamming...
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It is better to open a hosting every 6 months.
Long time on the Internet, is too famous and marked with the companies that take care of illegals. And premium accounts diminish, lower profit, many problems accumulate.

Hosting, New Life ...
Sell ​​many accounts, a lot of profit, without problems, unknown to companies that take care of illegals.

Good catch!

Premium Membership Valid Until: June 03, 2012

OMG, Willy please give me my money back... I was buy premium account yesterday... #@$!@$!
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