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A picture is worth 1000 words...

LOL @nopokemon English xD

PD: OMFG,Moved from .16 to .22 :facepalm:
PD2: I had 1.56 Yesterday at 12:00 AM,now its 4:00 PM and i have same :facepalm:
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HI Willy,

US server FTP to Wupload speed terrible slow.....200kb-500kb. Few day already. May i know my server problem or Wupload problem?
You have to please speak with VTR about this because the proxy they send you all through cannot be unblocked - it was inundating our servers with failed logins.


Willy you need to fix that, and that many of us have premium account and blocked us, we pay for a service not being delivered

if someone has problems with the account Block it otherwise but does not block all

I want my account back
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